Dude is a jackass. As far as it being “our fault” as someone who adhered pretty rigidly to the published protocol ( I do work in essential industry but we are adhering to strict policy) and I caught it any way. I spent 2 weeks in bed too sick to function and then an additional 2 weeks until I finally tested negative. 4 weeks in quarantine in total. I have had 4 separate medical professionals independent of each other tell me that it is basically inevitable and every person in the US that doesn’t have some kind of genetic immunity will get this shit
am I saying throw out all safety protocols? No but I am very tired of the holier than thou attitudes that basically blame this thing on Bill and Mary down at the grocery sans a mask
am I saying throw out all safety protocols? No but I am very tired of the holier than thou attitudes that basically blame this thing on Bill and Mary down at the grocery sans a mask