You still think funnymaine is funny? He's blaming you!

Dude is a jackass. As far as it being “our fault” as someone who adhered pretty rigidly to the published protocol ( I do work in essential industry but we are adhering to strict policy) and I caught it any way. I spent 2 weeks in bed too sick to function and then an additional 2 weeks until I finally tested negative. 4 weeks in quarantine in total. I have had 4 separate medical professionals independent of each other tell me that it is basically inevitable and every person in the US that doesn’t have some kind of genetic immunity will get this shit

am I saying throw out all safety protocols? No but I am very tired of the holier than thou attitudes that basically blame this thing on Bill and Mary down at the grocery sans a mask
I have had 4 separate medical professionals independent of each other tell me that it is basically inevitable and every person in the US that doesn’t have some kind of genetic immunity will get this shit

Pretty much inevitable without a safe long lasting vaccine appearing quickly. Most we can really do right now is slow it down so the medical community isn't completely overwhelmed and deaths become a lot higher.
Pretty much inevitable without a safe long lasting vaccine appearing quickly. Most we can really do right now is slow it down so the medical community isn't completely overwhelmed and deaths become a lot higher.

and there is considerable debate on the effectiveness of a vaccine due to the flexibility of the virus itself and it’s ability to quickly mutate to the point that a vaccine becomes obsolete very quickly
and there is considerable debate on the effectiveness of a vaccine due to the flexibility of the virus itself and it’s ability to quickly mutate to the point that a vaccine becomes obsolete very quickly

Well done, China...well done. I have nothing against the people of the World. But I don't like communism, or socialism, or authoritarianism. Those of that ideology don't care about any peoples, just their 'ism'. All of those 'isms' should perish in a quick and painless (won't happen) way. Thanks China, but the World doesn't deserve your model of existence.

Well done, China...well done. I have nothing against the people of the World. But I don't like communism, or socialism, or authoritarianism. Those of that ideology don't care about any peoples, just their 'ism'. All of those 'isms' should perish in a quick and painless (won't happen) way. Thanks China, but the World doesn't deserve your model of existence.

The obummer admin gave millions to that lab for work
That is a lot different than financing bioweapons research, don’t you think?

problem with a country like China with zero transparency is that every penny can be allocated to whatever nefarious purpose they choose. The US and other western countries has provided at least 3 generations of Chinese scientists with the best education available in every field imaginable including nuclear applications and biological applications. I no more lay this at Obama’s feet than I believe Trump is the moron he is made out to be. Everyone wants the other sides guy to be the Devil when in truth they are all basically the same when you get past the rhetoric. JMO
problem with a country like China with zero transparency is that every penny can be allocated to whatever nefarious purpose they choose. The US and other western countries has provided at least 3 generations of Chinese scientists with the best education available in every field imaginable including nuclear applications and biological applications. I no more lay this at Obama’s feet than I believe Trump is the moron he is made out to be. Everyone wants the other sides guy to be the Devil when in truth they are all basically the same when you get past the rhetoric. JMO
Started on Clinton’s watch continued through Obama. No arguments from me but did you catch the clip of Pelosi telling CNN, I think it was that China wants Biden to win but the Russians want Trump to win. I won’t argue with her but not for the reasons that many may think. I probably am more into these things than most and read so much from other than US news or the BBC. There is so much at stake from this election that people want to ignore, gloss over, or just ridicule the messenger that should be alarming the shit out of anyone that isn’t part of the Marxist axis of dems/blm/antifa and the ChiComs.

Great Economic Reset
Started on Clinton’s watch continued through Obama. No arguments from me but did you catch the clip of Pelosi telling CNN, I think it was that China wants Biden to win but the Russians want Trump to win. I won’t argue with her but not for the reasons that many may think. I probably am more into these things than most and read so much from other than US news or the BBC. There is so much at stake from this election that people want to ignore, gloss over, or just ridicule the messenger that should be alarming the shit out of anyone that isn’t part of the Marxist axis of dems/blm/antifa and the ChiComs.

Great Economic Reset

I would encourage you to read “Arming the Chinese”, “Arming the Dragon” as well as many other essays etc dating from the 1950’s to present. Also look at the historical recognition or lack there of for the ROC/Taiwan. Both the Korean and Vietnam wars hinged in many ways on the literal pacification of China. All the way back to the Truman administration there has been a history of at least appeasement if not outright contributions by not only the US but European countries as well. With all due respect to state that this “Started under Clinton” is extremely short sighted. JMO
This sounds like an old man talking, but one thing is happening so slowly that a little bit of aggravation about doing things happens to all of us, but when you add it all up it means we are giving up our freedom to do what this country was designed to do. Every man woman and child has the freedom from religious persecution, freedom to pursue your dreams, freedom to pursue happiness, and we have a government design to achieve that with not one of the three branches of government ruling over the other. It's like a set of triplets that I grew up with that fought so much among themselves that their daddy bought them a set of boxing gloves, so they could settle a fight. But don't let an outsider pick on one or you had to fight all three. Bob, Ben, and Roy never lost a fight together. Our country should be like that. Just don't let our freedoms be taken away little by little or we will all regret it.
Everyone wants the other sides guy to be the Devil when in truth they are all basically the same when you get past the rhetoric
Completely agree with this. I do think there are some fundamental ideologies that I just disagree with and has to be fought against. Erosion of what I see as basic American values and ideals has been going on for several decades. It just seems to have accelerated from the Clinton years on. We started accepting nonsense that we should never have done and now we find ourselves in the mess we are in. God help us in November if the socialist path wins out.
Funnyman dug his own grave with a backhoe. Entertainers that go political end up losing in the long run. When they learn their mistake it is usually too late.
15 minutes of fame. I enjoyed his videos but he alienated people he needs now there are consequences. To him it may be worth it if he really believes it but I suspect he got caught up in the emotions of the moment and did not think about that part of it. Pure speculation..
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