| CURRENT EVENTS You better dust off that old mask!

When it was mandated last time I just went to another county if I had to make a trip to a box store. And even then it was depending on the store within the mask mandated counties. (IE: I didn't see anyone care in Home Depot or Lowe's.)

I find it interesting watching the two groups: those who didn't wear masks versus those who did. The ones who didn't when the pandemic was in full force haven't changed their habits: they didn't and won't. On the other hand those that did, faithfully, during the pandemic? We've seen behavioral changes here: some still comply while others have seen it was what it was.

Changing the subject slightly here ...

One of the biggest instances of mis-information, and quite frankly one of the biggest lies about a lot of people, comes from the term "anti-mask." While I choose to not wear a mask I don't give a damn if others do: I can't be called anti-mask if I'm not against others choices to wear a mask.

I'd argue it's another case of group/identity politics.
I wore a mask, it didn’t bother me, I wasn’t inconvenienced. I was surprised here because most people wore one, there were some that didn’t, but for the most part people did.

There were lots of behavioral changes from both sides during and after the pandemic, I agree.

I think the anti mask grew out of certain people approaching people while banging their freedumb drums and bitching about people wearing masks. I don’t care whether a person wore one or didn’t, but when you approach me about my wearing one that’s where the issue arises.
I think the anti mask grew out of certain people approaching people while banging their freedumb drums and bitching about people wearing masks.
A responsibility equally shared by certain people approaching people while banging their authoritarian drums bitching about people not wearing masks. It's still a misnomer much like other "phobic" labels casts individuals into large groups.
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