| FTBL Why was Friedman kicking?


Verified Member
Is it to much of a strain on Tiffins leg? because it can't be because Friedman is a better kicker. He barely got it to 10 or 15 yard line everytime.

I want some freakin touchbacks from our kicker. When are we going to get a strong leg here?
NTT said:
Is it to much of a strain on Tiffins leg? because it can't be because Friedman is a better kicker. He barely got it to 10 or 15 yard line everytime.

I want some freakin touchbacks from our kicker. When are we going to get a strong leg here?

Can't answer that question but looks like those tackling drills are paying off for P.J. Fitzgerald or he has been spending more time in the weight room. His arms are bulking up some; sure does not look like your stereotypical punter anymore.
I think the coaches like him kicking off because he kicks the ball higher and gives the coverage team more time to get down field and surround the returner. I think kick-off coverage was much better today.
RollTideRandy said:
I think the coaches like him kicking off because he kicks the ball higher and gives the coverage team more time to get down field and surround the returner. I think kick-off coverage was much better today.

I think you are right. My dad and I were wondering the same thing, but after the second kick we thought the same thing as you RTR.
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