šŸˆ Who is your favorite player that went to a rival school?


Verified Member
I have a few. The one that really stands out to me is Jason Whitten from UT. How did Phatimus persuade such an otherwise intelligent young man to join the dark side? I wish he had played for BAMA. Carnel Williams, Tim Hudson, and Peyton Manning are some others that I like.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I have a few. The one that really stands out to me is Jason Whitten from UT. How did Phatimus persuade such an otherwise intelligent young man to join the dark side? I wish he had played for BAMA. Carnel Williams, Tim Hudson, and Peyton Manning are some others that I like.

I love the Dallas Cowboys, so having Jason Witten on the team is fine with me.
Bo Jackson, McFadden, Tim Couch, Emmit Smith, Bret Farve, Hershel Walker, and that dude that played for Ole Miss on defense that always had that big ace bandage thing on his arm. That dude could sho put a old school hit on ya. What was his name?
And I know I am double posting but I have to say that I am impressed that we can sit down and talk about other players from a strictly unbiased opinion. There ain't a person alive that hates Auburn more than I do, but Bo Jackson was freakin awesome. If we had had him at Bama and a decent coach, we would probably be talking about 13 or 14 National Championship. Unfortunatly, at the time Bo played we had Perkins and I think Curry too. But anyone old enough on here to remember them can tell you, neither could find their butt with a road map and to let Bo Jackson go to the cow college was simply inexcusable. But I digress....
Bama28 said:
I would Have to say..Bo Jackson.
Not ever an Auburn fan,but that guy was an un-believable athlete.
My dad played with him in high school... actually met him a couple of times (and got his autograph :roll: ) at my dads high school reunions, hes a pretty nice guy and doesnt flaunt his money or think hes a god like some people do...
tidenumber1 said:
Definitely Peyton Manning, Jason Whitten, McFadden, and probably soon to be Mereno.

I can agree with Witten, McFadden, and Manning, but I'd have to add Bo Jackson. That guy is probably the best running back in the SEC in the last 30 years, except for Herschel Walker.
rammajamma said:
And I know I am double posting but I have to say that I am impressed that we can sit down and talk about other players from a strictly unbiased opinion. There ain't a person alive that hates Auburn more than I do, but Bo Jackson was freakin awesome. If we had had him at Bama and a decent coach, we would probably be talking about 13 or 14 National Championship. Unfortunatly, at the time Bo played we had Perkins and I think Curry too. But anyone old enough on here to remember them can tell you, neither could find their butt with a road map and to let Bo Jackson go to the cow college was simply inexcusable. But I digress....

Sorry to prove your theory wrong, but Coach Bryant recruited Bo. If you ever read any of Bo's history or watch interviews he basically states he went to Auburn because he couldn't start at Alabama.

If I remember correctly he grew up an Alabama fan but didn't want to sit on the bench for 2 or 3 years @ Alabama. Coach Bryant was never one to promise anything that wasn't there so he was very honest and realistic with Bo. That may have been Coach Bryant's biggest mistake. :)
rammajamma said:
And I know I am double posting but I have to say that I am impressed that we can sit down and talk about other players from a strictly unbiased opinion. There ain't a person alive that hates Auburn more than I do, but Bo Jackson was freakin awesome. If we had had him at Bama and a decent coach, we would probably be talking about 13 or 14 National Championship. Unfortunatly, at the time Bo played we had Perkins and I think Curry too. But anyone old enough on here to remember them can tell you, neither could find their butt with a road map and to let Bo Jackson go to the cow college was simply inexcusable. But I digress....

When Bo was being recruited Bryant was still the coach. The story is that Bo asked the Bama assistant who was recruiting him if he would play as a freshman. The coach told him no, so Bo went to the Barn. If the coach had only answered "if you're good enough" history would have been changed.
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