What are You Sick of??


Gentleman Extraordinaire
I'm sick of constant noise in my house.

I'm sick of Disney Channel and Baby First channel.

I'm sick of my job and the people I work with.

To be continued....
Sick of my job. It's not that it's a bad gig, just that I've hit my ceiling here and need to use my degrees and make more money. Job hunting is a bitch when trying to network from the other side of the country.

Also sick of this heat and humidity. Need September to hurry up and get here so I can enjoy weather in the 80s.

Lastly, sick and tired of you damn WoollyAlers screwing up the RTB board everyday.
Sick of people being offended by everything, such as my dark humor.

Sick of some of my students .. Mainly, the rich, entitled students I work with, and their helicopter parents.

Sick of doing long distance with my boyfriend. We've been together for 6 years, 2 of which have now been long distance.

Sick of Syracuse!
Corporate/bureaucratic fecklessness. Ineptitude at the highest levels

As the bodies pile up a motherfucker with a golden parachute perfumes the air with cheap off brand febreeze and beats his chest about remedial measures.
My wife's lotion. She dropped the nozzle and inside tube in the couch 2 hours ago. I had to pick it up for her and the lotion-covered tube was up. Got it on my hands and my nose has been itching and sneezing and running since.
I washed them off. My hands don't even smell of it anymore, but that shit is in my nose and sinuses now I guess.

Try snorting bleach. That should do the trick.
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