Kind of shitty to tell people they are going to hell based on that.
Telling people they are going to hell ain't being Christian. Only God has that judgment.Kind of shitty to tell people they are going to hell based on that.
That is a cop out. You can't say the only way to God is through Jesus then pretend that you aren't saying anyone not Christian is going to Hell.Telling people they are going to hell ain't being Christian. Only God has that judgment.
Not a cop out. I am not a judge of anyone. Some people do bad things but we all end up in the same place. I don't know if an atheist or non christian is going to hell. It is a hard concept for me to believe that murders, child molesters and others can be saved but the bible says it is so. A cop out is using parts of the bible to reject religion. It ain't science. Who knows we may just simply die and forever be in the dark, but I have faith and hope that we are not fools to believe.That is a cop out. You can't say the only way to God is through Jesus then pretend that you aren't saying anyone not Christian is going to Hell.
I asked you about the eye witnesses. I also asked you about fulfilled prophecy. How is that an argument based on the “bible is right because the bible says so”?Your argument is that the Bible is right because the Bible says so. Not a very good argument at all.
Why?Kind of shitty to tell people they are going to hell based on that.
I’m sorry your church treated you so poorly … truly. You lost faith in the people from that church which you allowed to jade you towards all churches. That’s easy to do and it’s why we have an obligation as Christians to be the hands and feet of Christ ... to do His work. Now, all interactions involving people in social settings are social in nature but that doesn’t mean church is supposed to be a social club with all the negative connotations that go with it. The fact yours was and it drove you away should sadden all Christians. I pray one day you happen upon a church that lives for Christ. It won’t be perfect because it will be made up of fallen men and women … but maybe you’ll see the work they do draws you back.This is going to be long and I apologize ahead of time. I’ll try to keep it short, so you’re not having to read a novel.
For 7 years I was heavily involved in a local church (my then wife got me to start going, the Pastor is from Alabama and is a huge fan, I graduated from UA and am obviously a Baja fan, so we had that in common and she used that to get me there), after a bit I felt I was called to be a Preacher, so I was asked by our state Southern baptist convention to come share my testimony at the state convention, so I went and shared it and afterwards my pastor shared with everybody (Pastors, pastor’s wives, youth pastors, etc) about my feeling God was calling me to be a Pastor and several of them invited me to student Pastor for them, but I already had a student Pastor position. There’s more to my background, but I’ll save you from that.
While I was student pastoring I was also attending college (was going for my Masters in Astrophysics), but that didn’t play a roll in my losing faith.
I started losing faith because almost every sermon my Pastor would have some sort anti-gay message (I have a lesbian cousin), then I approached my Pastor about wanting to start an adoption ministry (I have always had a passion for orphans and helping people navigate the adoption process and he shut me down then my then wife started having medical issues and she had a serious operation and nobody from the church even texted let alone stop to visit (that really angered me, then I realized church wasn’t a hospital for the lost and broken, but rather a country club for the saved and just decided one day to resign my position at the church and finished school. There’s more, but I think I’ve bored you enough with this novel
This pope is truly special.The Pope has proposed a One World Religion, Chrislam. Unifies Christians and Muslims, maybe even Judaism. A search will tell you that the building will open in 2022, located in the Middle East. So now you've got the Pope himself saying there's multiple ways to God! Many will fall for this lie. There is only one way to God, through His son Jesus Christ.
Because everything you use as an argument is just stuff written in the Bible by people. The Koran was written by people as were tons of other religious books that say they are right. Your faith is proof of nothing. Your eyewitnesses have nothing to prove they actually saw anything.I asked you about the eye witnesses. I also asked you about fulfilled prophecy. How is that an argument based on the “bible is right because the bible says so”?
You can't even prove that the book is right and the one true correct book other than your own faith yet you determine who goes to heaven or hell based on it. That's shitty.Why?
The Pope has proposed a One World Religion, Chrislam. Unifies Christians and Muslims, maybe even Judaism. A search will tell you that the building will open in 2022, located in the Middle East. So now you've got the Pope himself saying there's multiple ways to God! Many will fall for this lie. There is only one way to God, through His son Jesus Christ.
Your witnesses propose to write about things they did not witness as if they were fact. Very little of the Old Testament was first hand and none of the disciples were at the birth. They absolutely are not reliable as to the divinity of Jesus or the circumstances of his birth. I would actually say they are flat lying about it to make him appear to satisfy a prophecy.The witnesses have their unimpeachable and corroborated testimony to prove what they saw; they are the type of witnesses attorneys salivate for, and you dismiss them simply with a wave of your hand? Are you sure you’re comfortable with that, because even unbelieving scholars don’t take that road?
Again I ask you, were they all lying? Are you saying they all got together and dreamed up this fantastic story, and then they spread out through world, each going in a different direction, telling everyone who would listen the same lie, living had-ro-mouth for decades, not one of them changing even one detail of the lie, and then they all died horrible deaths for the lie? Is that how it went down in your mind? Please let is know.
By the way, one person wrote the Koran. There were forty writers of the Bible.
You continue to say telling someone who is lost that they will go to hell if they persist is “shitty.” By what standard do you label such as “shitty”? You don’t use the bible for your standard for thus labeling the brimstone hurlers, so what do you base your assertion on?
I can’t prove the Bible’s right? How about this:
Genesis 8:22 (ESV) While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Is the Bible correct here?
Search chrislam, many articles appear.I would love to see a link to this story.
I have researched and I struggle to understand what this is proof of. That the Bible is like a palm reader who gives you generic "as long as the earth exists it will exist" prophecies and expects you to believe everything they say. If day and night ceased then of course the earth would cease to exist.I can’t prove the Bible’s right? How about this:
Genesis 8:22 (ESV) While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Is the Bible correct here?
So, let's get this straight: You say the apostles (not to mention the hundreds of other eyewitnesses) are "flat out" lying about the religion of Christ. Let's consider Paul as a test case to see if your accusation holds up. We're introduced to Paul (called "Saul" at the time) in Acts chapter eight, where we find him approving the execution of Stephen, an avowed disciple of the Lord Jesus, and the first lying conspirator (according to your theory) to die a horrible death for the Great Lie (he was pummeled to death with rocks, by the way). All he had to do was to admit the lie and they would have spared him.Your witnesses propose to write about things they did not witness as if they were fact. Very little of the Old Testament was first hand and none of the disciples were at the birth. They absolutely are not reliable as to the divinity of Jesus or the circumstances of his birth. I would actually say they are flat lying about it to make him appear to satisfy a prophecy.
Edit. I should also point out that eyewitness testimony use often the most unreliable testimony of all
I apologize if it seems I am being flippant about this. Let me go further in depth. The eyewitnesses in question report a lot of hearsay which is not corroborated by any actual evidence and which they were not even saying they were present to witness. The historical record shows that Jesus probably did exist and was a preacher around 20 AD. He may or may not have been executed by the Romans. There is no actual proof that the person named as the writer is the actual writer of any of the Gospels, just faith and tradition. The generally accepted timeline is that these were anonymously written in the name of the particular apostle from oral traditions of the time. The oldest existing copy of any piece of any of them is a good 150-250 years after the fact. So, once you begin talking about eyewitnesses as proof you are going to have to corroborate that with other fact. The few Roman mentions of Jesus were way after the fact and are not corroborated with any evidence from Jesus' lifetime and shoudl be considered hearsay also.
You said I couldn't prove the Bible is "right." This passage is right (the seasons come and go); therefore, the bible is right.I have researched and I struggle to understand what this is proof of. That the Bible is like a palm reader who gives you generic "as long as the earth exists it will exist" prophecies and expects you to believe everything they say. If day and night ceased then of course the earth would cease to exist.
I don’t recall mentioning Abraham Lincoln as a Vampire Hunter. I didn’t even know he hunted vampires. Is that factoid in a text book you read?I will not argue anymore with you as you seem to believe that Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter must be true since one passage in it is true