Blah blah blah lefty scum
Ooooh. Hardly.
1) you didn't answer a single question I slapped you with concerning the investigation itself.
2) because you had no answers you immediately debased to name calling like a whiny child.
3) you
claim you worked in law enforcement, thus making you the self-acclaimed "resident expert" on this case.
Here's the thing, Fife... You're either a low-rent prison guard, or a fucking mall cop. Both
considered law enforcement, but neither of which qualify you as any kind of "expert" concerning a murder investigation.
You clearly have no clue what pertinent facts are, even after I dick-slapped you with them.
You're basing your "expert analysis" solely on the leftist media's slanted interpretation (or outright lying) of/about facts. All of which have been REFUTED by attorneys, the investigators, AND THE FUCKING DA'S OFFICE.
But, I'll play devil's advocate here. Let's say hypothetically that you WERE at one point a legit cop.... You clearly have no clue what the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" means. You've "adjudicated" this young man ad an accessory, BASED SOLELY ON BULLSHIT RUMORS WHIPPED UP JN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.
So if you
did happen to be an actual cop at one point, then you SUCKED harder than a 2-bit crackwhore at it.
AAAAANNNND you did not deny that you're a shit-dicked racist.
Law enforcement, my lily-white ass.
Fucking clown.
You suck at life.