University of Alabama board of trustees moves new academic building at UA ahead to next step


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Sounds kick ass.

Trustees for the University of Alabama during committee meetings Thursday gave preliminary approval to a resolution to begin planning for a new $31.4 million academic building at the Capstone and to an agreement allowing the University of Alabama Hospital to lease the Kirklin Clinic in Birmingham as an outpatient clinic.The resolutions and other agenda items approved Thursday will go before the full board today.
The Physical Properties Committee approved a resolution to begin preliminary planning work on a new 72,500-square-foot, two-story academic building with 12 classrooms and a large auditorium. The project would be funded with future revenue bonds. The new building would be located off Hackberry Lane on the old Bryce Hospital grounds near the engineering complex. The new building will have a seating capacity of 2,000.
The Honorary Degrees and Recognition Committee approved a resolution to name three roads on the old Bryce Hospital campus. The proposed names include Peter Bryce Boulevard, Kilgore Lane and North Campus Way. Peter Bryce Boulevard and North Campus Way are new routes that are part of the planned road network to be constructed on the old grounds with the help of federal grant funding awarded to the university in April 2013 as part of the Alabama Department of Transportation's Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program. UA received approximately $16 million for the project, which was estimated to cost $25 million total in 2013 and would connect the eastern portion of campus with Jack Warner Parkway.
The proposed new academic building would be located near the planned intersection of Hackberry Lane and Peter Bryce Boulevard.

Under the lease agreement, the Kirklin Clinic would become an outpatient department of the University of Alabama Hospital.

The Kirklin Clinic would be leased from the University of Alabama Health Services Foundation P.C., a 501C3 nonprofit. The hospital would lease the clinic for $5 million annually and equipment and assets for an additional amount not to exceed $2.1 million. The hospital would also lease the clinic staff for an amount equal to the cost of salary and benefits. Current staff would be leased, but any future hires would become hospital staff.
William Ferniany, chief executive officer of the UAB Health System, said the lease would make the clinic part of the hospital and allow for the better coordination and improve the quality of care.
Most patients would not see any difference, Ferniany said. He estimated a small percentage could see some change depending on their insurance carrier.
Ferniany characterized the agreement as a common organizational arrangement for hospitals and clinics.
The committee also approved a resolution to revise project scope and budget for the new Kappa Delta sorority house at UA from $12.2 million to $13.3 million to accommodate built-in bedroom furnishings. The resolution would also authorize execution of contracts with the lowest responsible bidders. The project has an anticipated completion date of July 2015, with bid letting possibly by April. The project is being funded by the sorority using $2 million in cash reserves and a $11.3 million loan from UA.
The committee also approved a resolution authorizing the University of Alabama at Birmingham to proceed with planning for a proposed $13.6 million addition of new exam rooms for the 1917 Clinic Community Care building, which will be paid for with grant funds.
The committee also approved a resolution authorizing UAH to negotiate an agreement for an architect for the replacement of Madison Hall, a project with preliminary budget of $21 million. The project would be funded with UAH plant funds.
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