Yes, because that's what I said right? It's selfish for you to ask for a "personal perspective." You are so freaking disingenuous that is laughable. But I got time today...
Start with the "Dont say gay bill" that is PURPOSELY vague so as (gay) teachers could be fired or even sued if they simply have pictures of their partners in their room or say anything whatsoever about their own sexuality ("I'm gay" or answering a question of why one has a husband/wife). And every single person the right fires back with "yeah but its only for third graders and below" except the bill is purposely vague and is already having impact on high school teachers too (the exact same thing they did with their BS "anti-CRT" bill in West Virginia where it was so vague that teachers are being told by their school district that they can't teach about the Holocaust without giving the "alternate view" of it).
Florida passes a bill that allows (some) felons to be able to vote again, which is excellent, but it's Florida so they have to make sure they abuse even something that starts out as good. Ron DeSantis has his office push out that registrars should tell all felons they are legal to vote again, have them fill out registration forms and even send them voter ID. Then when they go to vote, DeSantis has those that weren't actually eligible (but still allowed to sign back up and given voter ID) arrested for voter fraud so that he can stand up in front of his psychotic base and pretend like he's simply fighting back against "voter fraud." a df
His "Stop Woke Act" that literally stops teachers or work places from talking about racism or injustices, at all, and is once again purposely vague.
Disney comes out and publicly pushes back against some of these bills. So, what does DeSantis do? Strips them of their independent status, on his own, he just did it. Because that's what dictators do. Does it to "punish" Disney for saying something he doesn't like yet it's the Florida taxpayers that now get to foot the bill for the fire department, roads, etc. that Disney was paying for.
Now, Im going to go back to just talking about football on here because this bullshit always ends this way.