bamafan4ever said:It's Mike Shula's fault. No, wait, it's George Bush's fault. No, I'm sorry, this happened because of global warming or it may be the Miami media's fault. It can't be Logan Young's fault so maybe Mike Dubose? Oh that's right, it is the TPD's fault!
I am sorry, I know all of that sounded ridiculous but I bet there are all kinds of "excuses" floating around but I am glad they are not being used on this forum. It's time that these guys grow the heck up! There are guys over in Iraq that are the same ages as these clowns putting their life on the line every day for their country. It's time that someone reminded these guys that, at some point in life, you have to take accountability for your actions. I hope that whatever happens, the punishment is swift and severe.
Wasn't this incident caught on video? If so, how in the world can they claim "not guilty"?
Great post G!