
It's a social media outlet. You can set it up to send alerts for when folks you follow post (or Tweet) things, but it isn't really used for that. You only get the tweets from folks you chose to follow (or a post that someone you follow "retweeted"). So if you only follow CNN and FOXNEWS, you are just going to get news stuff. If you follow ESPN, Cecil Hurt, rolltidebama, etc... you are going to get sports and bama info. Most folks follow a mixture of friends, famous people, and sports/news media folks. Over time, if you tweet stuff, people will follow you as well. It takes a little getting used to, but honestly, I can't imagine social media without it at this point.
Need some advice / help please. Just what is twitter? Is that something you sign up for to get text messages from a news source etc?

Go to Today's News here on the site.
At the top of the forum (in the header) I've got a widget inserted that just receives tweets from UA. Just above the threads, one from people who cover UA, and at the very bottom one that covers the NCAA as a whole.

Those are examples of how I use twitter for the site here.

Brandon mentioned we've got a twitter account for the site here. While I seldom tweet, or retweet, from our account, every new thread that is posted on the football forum is tweeted out.

FWIW, if you're familiar with how RSS feeds work, it's my opinion that Twitter is soon going to make that obsolete.
Porter and Terry covered all the in's and out's. It is a great way to get news quickly on the things that interest you the most. ie Alabama, or music, or news in general. I remember the day Mal Moore died, I received the tweet while watching my sons little league baseball game. I was the one that told all the parents in the stands what had happened because I got the alert on my phone. Just one more way our world is getting smaller and how connected we all are at times.
I use twitter to consume news for the most part (I rarely tweet), I have 67 people I follow at the moment, I change this frequently (just added and removed a few today) to cut down on clutter in my feed.

As far as twitter goes, pretty easy. Setup an account and start following people. The cool thing about twitter, most news/media folks also use twitter to link back to their articles, so its another way to not have to hit numerous websites to get information. Also, there is a limit to the characters in a tweet, so they keep it short and simple and typically put attention grabbing headlines. Once you have people in your feed, you can quickly browse all the tweets and selectively click the links that grab your attention and it will open up the article within the app for you to read.

I can quickly scroll thorough several hundred tweets in a few mins and click the links to other articles I want.

Great resource in my opinion...
The one thing that I hate about following a dozen Bama reporters is, every time something halfway newsworthy happens, each person posts about it. So you get a dozen separate tweets about the same commitment. Press conferences are the worst. I'll probably cut back to just following Aaron Suttles and maybe 1 other UA football person soon.
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