| FTBL Toledo just put a hurting on Michigan

Tough time to be a Wolverine fan, But i think they will rebound in the future, we were not tearing up the gridiron last season as well, with losses to ul Monroe and Miss State....i feel for them in that aspect.
cj6891 said:
bear facts said:
cj6891 said:
TidePride50 said:
He'll have Michigan back in the hunt in a couple years. He didnt forget how to coach.

The questions is whether Michigan will have the patience or not.

Have you ever met a Yankee (Northerner) with patience?

Good point. He'll be done in two.


Before it's over Les Miles probably will wish that would happen fairly quick, too. 'Cause I have a feeling he may regret not taking the Michigan job if he gets a few more waxings like LSU received tonight.

He needs to make a move before the "real Coach Miles" begins to surface.
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