Tim Tebow---Some Things He Can't Do

I'm getting disgusted with people criticizing Tim's faith.

We need far more Tebows in this world than we do Plaxico Buresses and Rolando Mcclains. I think Tim will be a great role model for my son. Hope is passing skills continue to develop and wish success for him as qb.
I'm getting disgusted with people criticizing Tim's faith.

We need far more Tebows in this world than we do Plaxico Buresses and Rolando Mcclains. I think Tim will be a great role model for my son. Hope is passing skills continue to develop and wish success for him as qb.

I think it's the extent to which Tim displays his faith. I mean... when people start imitating / spoofing him profusely via "Tebowing" that's a cue that perhaps, considering his profession, he's taking the display of public faith a wee bit far. Heck... the Pope doesn't go down in prayer as much a Tim. LOL. And hey.. have you read the latest Yahoo story about those high school kids suspended for "Tebowing" in the hall.

The extent that Tim does it? People are mocking his faith when they "Tebow". The NFL needs a heck if a lot more Tebows than they do Rolando McClains or Sam Hurds I guarantee that. The Pope might not do what Tebow does, but Tebow doesnt cover for criminals either like a certain religion does.
There is no way to word it properly about what Tebow does that makes it annoying. I guess the closest I can get is that he makes it seem (or at least espn does) that God prefers Timmy to others playing the game. Kurt Warner did a good job of spreading the faith without coming across as overbearing. With Tim, it just seems like it is shoved in your face and you have to take it.
.....I guess the closest I can get is that he makes it seem (or at least espn does) that God prefers Timmy to others playing the game. Kurt Warner did a good job of spreading the faith without coming across as overbearing. With Tim, it just seems like it is shoved in your face and you have to take it.

When it comes to profiling players, ESPN (and sports media in general) is all about stirring the pot and, when it's to their advantage, serving ill conceived opinions and half-baked analysis to spark controversy and get ratings. And the more viewers are annoyed and feed off it, the more the media will pump it out? Now look where we are. And any suggested "God prefers Timmy" notion is just that... another gossip ratings grab rant... and not even a good one.

And as for the "shoved in your face"? See above. ESPN and the sports media have created the excessive Tebow mania with their assumptions about the man, along with their rabid camera jockeys prowling each game for exploitative "Tebow" footage. Maybe we should just re-name ESPN as ESPN-TMZ?
When it comes to profiling players, ESPN (and sports media in general) is all about stirring the pot and, when it's to their advantage, serving ill conceived opinions and half-baked analysis to spark controversy and get ratings. And the more viewers are annoyed and feed off it, the more the media will pump it out? Now look where we are. And any suggested "God prefers Timmy" notion is just that... another gossip ratings grab rant... and not even a good one.

And as for the "shoved in your face"? See above. ESPN and the sports media have created the excessive Tebow mania with their assumptions about the man, along with their rabid camera jockeys prowling each game for exploitative "Tebow" footage. Maybe we should just re-name ESPN as ESPN-TMZ?

I agree with you (especially the TMZ part). I understand Tim is not the one pushing everything, but it is the pairing of these stories and showing Tim constantly. It's no different than fans of other conferences hearing about how great the SEC is. They have heard it so much that they are just tired of it. If you really like Tim, then the stories won't bother you as much. If you are "meh", then they become annoying and since Tim is the center of all the publicity, he gets the blame whether it's fair or not. Personally, I like Dan Patrick's take on it. He gives credit to Denver's team (and kicker) play while poking fun at ESPN for overdoing the Tebow coverage.
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