I'm always looking for great points, crisp quotes and meaningful thoughts. I collect them in a journal. They may come from books I read, Scripture or teaching, or just during the course of my day. Although I rely heavily on technology, I still use a paper planner. I've progressed from a DayTimer in college, to various options in my early work years, and finally settled on Franklin-Covey perhaps twenty years ago. Last summer, when we were piled into a friend's beach house at Alligator Point south of Tallahassee, a friend noted my planner and remarked, "The nineties called. It wants its planner back." If nineties is old-fashioned, I don't want to be new-fangled.
I digress. My Franklin gives me a daily quote. Today's was: "A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
That one will make it into my journal.
I digress. My Franklin gives me a daily quote. Today's was: "A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
That one will make it into my journal.