| CURRENT EVENTS These are two minutes you will not get back. "a normal person explains what’s happening on the stock market:"

Read the replies ... fascinating.

Oh yes, the absence of logic is astonishing. The ones bitching about not getting universal income, though, are not the ones bombing the shorts. The hedge fund guys who have been advertising their shorts so that they can ride the momentum of the hangers on have realized that it now cuts both ways. They attack a company publicly, seeking the self-fulfilling prophecy of the short. Now they realize there is risk in being publicly down on a stock, and that THEY may have to now rely on the fundamentals they now wrap themselves in.

It's fun to watch if you have no skin in the game. Instead of destroying a person's job or credibility for a perceived social justice misstep, this mob seeks to slam - financially - smarmy guys shorting stocks.


I was studying for my brokers exam when I worked with Primerica Financial Services. I walked away from it. It is not an honest system that does exploit the vast majority of investors. Churning stocks for commissions while technically illegal is done every minute of every trading day. IPO (Initial Public Offerings) are that in name only.
When you have a direct pipeline from Wall Street to The Federal Reserve, Treasury Dept, Goldman Sachs for the people running these entities. They go back and forth between those jobs.

Will Rogers Quote
This election was lost four and six years ago, not this year. They [Republicans] didn’t start thinking of the old common fellow till just as they started out on the election tour. The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover was an engineer. He knew that water trickles down. Put it uphill and let it go and it will reach the driest little spot. But he didn’t know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellows hands. They saved the big banks, but the little ones went up the flue.
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