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CtrlAltieDel said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
bamafan4ever said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Tenn had a defense that didnt allow a point all year. :?

Lenny, you have barely made a point since you have been a member here. Ut has nothing on you.

Welcome to the newst members! Good info in this post.

I just made one. :wink:

Go back to getting your arse handed to you in the politcal forum :lol:

I see I am talking to an Englishman, funny that you know so much about American football. But wait, you don't know as much as you imagine that you do.

The 1939 Tennessee team that you are referencing didn't play any high quality competition all year and when they finally did, they lost.

The best team that Tenn. played during the regular season was a 6-2-1 Kentucky team, so, that tells a lot.

'Bama, on the other hand, played an 8-3 Arkansas and a 7-4 Ga. Tech and they beat a 6-4 Tennessee team by a margin of 34-3.

Also, 'Bama didn't lose a game during the regular season and they had enough fortitude to beat a very powerful team in their bowl game, that being Arkansas that was mentioned above.

Tennessee, on the other hand, was shut out 14-0 by Southern Cal in their bowl game.

You don't get to have the title of best defense to ever exist bestowed on one of your teams if they lose a game, Vol.

As originally stated, Alabama has the best defense to eveer exist on paper in the history of college football.

Learn something, be wiser.

LBS said:
There are other points that can not be quantified into a statistic driven ranking as well.

--It was the Crimson Tide of Alabama that burst through the bias that Southern schools played inferior football. Remember the Rose Bowl...

--It was Coach Bryant who strengthened integration in a head-strong segregated era by orchestrating Sam "the Bam" Cunningham's playing in the largest arena in the state. There was no going back after that.

Miami of Ohio enjoys being called :the cradle of Coaching", but I would bet the list of coaches that got their start at Alabama would put Miami's to shame. (If someone has a link to back me up on this, post it please.)

Most recently, it was Alabama that introduced the concept of a Spring Game being a huge event worthy of sell out crowds and national media attention.

And finally, only Alabama can turn a low-functioning, handicapped, young man from a single parent home into a star -- Forest Gump :lol: My point is that Hollywood has focused on this one team from little ol' Tuscaloosa more than one would think they would. We are not locatedjust down the road from Hollywood like USC, and don't have the support of Rome like the Pope. We are the underdog from small town west-Alabama.

Great post, LBS.
So the fact that Bama allowed a mere 25 points all year and Tenn allowed a huge 14 all year......

and Tenn played a weak scheldule consisting of of 6-2-1 UK.. Bama played a scheldule consisting of 8-3, 7-4, and 6-4 teams. Those are solid points if youre trying to make the case for Tenn.

Im not a VOL or Englishman either (im a homegrown Alabamian .....I can however look at things from a proper perspective.

I wasnt alive for either of these teams and could really care less but your points certainly have done nothing to convince me.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
So the fact that Bama allowed a mere 25 points all year and Tenn allowed a huge 14 all year......

No, Tennessee lost, they lost a game. Didn't you read that in the previous post? Add the other things up with the fact that they "lost" and Tennessee falls short.

Losing doesn't make a defense better, it makes them losers.

Actually, just losing the game to USC would be enough to preclude them from consideration, you know, because they LOST. Their defense allowed them to get beat, that is not the best they could have done.

and Tenn played a weak scheldule consisting of of 6-2-1 UK.. Bama played a scheldule consisting of 8-3, 7-4, and 6-4 teams. Those are solid points if youre trying to make the case for Tenn.

How so? Bama played a better Arkansas team, or at least equal in skill to USC, and WON the game. Won is the key word. Tennessee lost, lost being the key word, to USC.

'Bama played 2 teams during the regular season roughly equal in win loss records to the one team that Tennessee played during the regular season of equal talent.

2 to 1. 2 is better than one. Just as winning is better than losing. See the pattern?

Im not a VOL or Englishman either (im a homegrown Alabamian .....I can however look at things from a proper perspective.

I wasnt alive for either of these teams and could really care less but your points certainly have done nothing to convince me.

You just don't want to be convinced. If you feel that a defense that allows their team to lose is better than one that doesn't, go for it.

I can't make you change your mind, but I have hopefully given you something to think about.
winning only would equal the greatest team.

The greatest defense would only emcompass the Defense.

According to your criteria a team that lost while NEVER (theoretically speaking) giving up a single point defensively.... wouldn't even qualify as a candidate
Lenny Kozlowski said:
So if your offense gives up points and you lose....your defense sucks

gotta it

You don't seem to be making logical sense. I never said that Tennessee's defense in '39 sucked, clearly they didn't. You are the only one who has made that erroneous assumption.

I do say, as does anyone that has ever studied the game of college football or can read stats and actually comprehend them, that Alabama's defense in '61 was better, on paper.

Now, you can philosophize and wax nostalgic and claim that Tennessee's defense back then was the best to ever walk a field, but statistically, 'Bama's was better.

Since neither you or I have knowledge of the '39 team, what is on paper is what we have to go on, correct?

Tennessee's defense lost a game, don't you understand how that hurts their statistical average?

You came popping into the thread rattling on about how Tennessee's defense was better than 'Bama's. You were pretty rude to another poster and your arrogant attitude was in relation to Tennessee's defense being better than 'Bama's.

I have proven to anyone that is being honest that 'Bama's D was better on paper, what I stated in my original post, what you were disputing, and now you seem like you want to cry about it.

I don't understand.
Dude you haven't proven anything other than your opinion (which youre entitled too)

I never claimed that Tenn defense was better either. I simply stated they didnt allow a point ( i thought it was the entire year...turns out it was regular season)

Winning games= greatest teams
Defense is a completely different category altogether

Again if a team loses 1 or 3 (or more) games 14-0, 7-0,abd 2-0 yet the defense never allowed a point??????? You claim this hurts the defense? Makes zero sense

I was only rude to another poster after he fired down on me.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
winning only would equal the greatest team.

The greatest defense would only emcompass the Defense.

According to your criteria a team that lost while NEVER (theoretically speaking) giving up a single point defensively.... wouldn't even qualify as a candidate

Are you high? How does a team lose when the defense doesn't allow a point to be scored?

The defense of the '39 Tenn. team allowed 14 points to be scored on them and that lost the game for them.

To hell with the offense of 'Bama and to hell with the offense of Tennessee. 'Bama's defense did not lose a game.

Because Tennessee's offense could not win the game against So. Cal, that does not give a free pass to the defense to lose the game.

It could have been a tie, a 0-0 tie. Many a game ended that way back in those days. But, on that particular day and during that particular year, Tennessee's defense did not measure up and it blew their streak all to crap.

You can see that, can't you? It ruined their chance to be considered for the best defense to ever be formed.

I think you might be one of those people that never admit their fallacy even when they know they are wrong. To admit you were incorrect would be akin to admitting you are less than or inadequate, even though it would mean nothing of the sort, but you think it would equate to that.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Dude you haven't proven anything other than your opinion (which youre entitled too)

I never claimed that Tenn defense was better either. I simply stated they didnt allow a point ( i thought it was the entire year...turns out it was regular season)

Winning games= greatest teams
Defense is a completely different category altogether

Again if a team loses 1 or 3 (or more) games 14-0, 7-0,abd 2-0 yet the defense never allowed a point??????? You claim this hurts the defense? Makes zero sense

What???? I never said anything even remotely similar to that. You will never catch me saying that a team lost a game that didn't have a point scored on them.

That would be insane. I can't figure out why you keep saying that, it is funny though. I am laughing right now.

Don't you know that if a defense doesn't allow a point to be scored that they can't lose? I feel stupid to have to keep repeating that.

That is bad when the person responding feels stupid for having to state something, so plainly obvious, over and over again.

I was only rude to another poster after he fired down on me.

Okay, fine. Let's see if we can clear this up and go on to better things that may actually be disputable. Do you now agree that 'Bama's '61 defense is the best defense, statistically, to ever strap on pads?
Lenny Kozlowski said:
I havent studied the stats of any team to form a logical opinion on the matter. :lol:

Tennessee LOST, start with that stat. Keep in mind that any defense ever discussed or ever mentioned, by serious minds, for this honor we are discussing, did not stink it up bad enough to allow their team to lose a game.

I am just trying to help you understand. I don't feel I am getting through to you, but I tried.
winning and losing isnt a defensive stat :wink:

Not sure why you want to punish a "greatest defense" just because the offense gave up TDs causing the TEAM to lose. It doesnt relate to the defense at all.

If we were talking greatest team ever....certainly a loss would eliminate a team.

Im sure the offense not scoring a single point had nothing to do with Tenn losing that game? Clearly it lay at the feet of Defense :?
Lenny Kozlowski said:
winning and losing isnt a defensive stat :wink:

Not sure why you want to punish a "greatest defense" just because the offense gave up TDs causing the TEAM to lose. It doesnt relate to the defense at all.

Lenny, I am going to just let you think about everything and then maybe we can discuss it more tomorrow, if you like.

An offense doesn't give up touchdowns, I think you may not understand football very well. The only way an offense gives up TD's is by turnovers converted.

That wasn't the case in the Tennessee/USC game.

Tennessee's defense gave up the points on an 81 yard run by USC's Ambrose Schindler and a passing play to Al Krueger. There was also a 51 yard rushing play. Those were the big plays, USC moved the ball almost at will in short clips.

I don't want to keep pointing out these fundamental things to you, so why don't we just call it done for now.

You clearly don't understand the difference between offense and defense and I don't have time to teach you tonight.
I never claimed that was the case in the Tenn game. Im simply making the point that it could happen. In your criteria a team that NEVER gave up a yard and lost couldnt qualify as a the greatest defense.

Thanks for clearing up that an offense doesnt give up TDs then explaining a way that in fact they can :?
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