| FTBL Tale of the tape. #1 vs #2 Comparison




Clemson 3-3

Tulane 2-3

Western Kentucky 2-4

Arkansas 3-3

Georgia 6-1

Kentucky 4-2

Total 20-16


Florida Atlantic 1-5

UTEP 3-3

Rice 3-3

Arkansas 3-3

Colorado 3-3

Oklahoma 5-1

Total 18-18

Just using #1 and #2 for a comparison, I would have thought that our opponents would have compiled a better record. Do you think we have drunk the kool-aid too soon? We have a long way to go before the season is over. To be truthful I think the real season is just beginning.
Re: Tale of the tape.

Optimus said:
Just using #1 and #2 for a comparison, I would have thought that our opponents would have compiled a better record. Do you think we have drunk the kool-aid too soon? We have a long way to go before the season is over. To be truthful I think the real season is just beginning.

Alabama's opponents do have a better win loss record than Texas' opponents, Optimus.
Yea I understand that Ctrl, but given, we play in the SEC does that really vaildate anything. The total is only by four. Also given that when we play this week that ratio could be in there favor.
Those stats aren't really all that important because both teams are just now getting into the difficult part of the schedule, looking back on that Clemson win it really isn't that impressive now seeing Clemson has taken a nose dive. The question is, is BAMA's win over Georgia more impressive then the Texas win over Oklahoma? Both have whipped Arkansas so i'd say it's pretty even right now.
To use your analogy...the tape hasn't been stretched out completely as of yet. It will be in the next month.

If Tx handles Mizzou they will continue getting the love...if we handle LSU, we'll get the same respect. One thing I do find that should make for interesting viewing is Tx is going to have to face the eventual North Division Champ twice whether it ends up being Mizzou or Kansas.
TerryP said:
To use your analogy...the tape hasn't been stretched out completely as of yet. It will be in the next month.

If Tx handles Mizzou they will continue getting the love...if we handle LSU, we'll get the same respect. One thing I do find that should make for interesting viewing is Tx is going to have to face the eventual North Division Champ twice whether it ends up being Mizzou or Kansas.

I agree the tape is not to its full length yet, but it does beg the question. Can we TCB (take care business)I sure hope so. Just looking at who we've played I wish, I could for sure say yes, but being a young team there will be growing pains.

Do you think that the Gerogia dogs have it worse than us? Or the Gators? I don't think TX does, only because I'm not soild on the Big 12. They need to learn to play defense first.
not trying to rattle anyone's cage but this post is simply irrelevant right now. Here's a fact to put in your pipe and smoke:
There is only one team in the country that is capable of beating Alabama: the Tide themselves. UK had nothing to do with that close game Saturday. We turned the ball over in the red zone, missed easy field goals and had 10 uncharacteristic penalties. If we just play sound football like we did against everyone else other than Tulane and UK we will not lose this year. If we do lose, we don't deserve to be in the national title anyway. Because there is not a team on the schedule that is better than us right now. LSU is nobody. They beat Auburn in Auburn?So did the Hawgs. Florida is good. They are the only team in the conference that should even stand a chance of beating us. That's not cocky that's just making an observation from the first 7 weeks of the season.
rolltyroll said:
not trying to rattle anyone's cage but this post is simply irrelevant right now. Here's a fact to put in your pipe and smoke:
There is only one team in the country that is capable of beating Alabama: the Tide themselves. UK had nothing to do with that close game Saturday. We turned the ball over in the red zone, missed easy field goals and had 10 uncharacteristic penalties. If we just play sound football like we did against everyone else other than Tulane and UK we will not lose this year. If we do lose, we don't deserve to be in the national title anyway. Because there is not a team on the schedule that is better than us right now. LSU is nobody. They beat Auburn in Auburn?So did the Hawgs. Florida is good. They are the only team in the conference that should even stand a chance of beating us. That's not cocky that's just making an observation from the first 7 weeks of the season.

The post was not to state were #1 or #2. I said many times, I could care less. I was wondering where you guys place these team if you weren't homers :wink:

I also said, I think being ranked high is just trap games for us. We have a lot to loose every game now. It is a fully out spirnt to the finish. I agree we are the only team that can beat us. I hope we play as well we did the first half.
I am happy with a #1 Texas and #2 Bama. Check the history of the NC game with 1 vs 2. My concern is winning another six games without a loss and showing up in Atlanta then I'll worry about the rankings. We are in a great position and I have no complaints. Before the season started if you would have told me we would be ranked here, I would have said your nuts but what the hey. Happy to be here and want to stay in the top 3 for a chance at the big picture.
I have a different take on the Clemson game than most of what I read.

Clemson had been touted as being the greatest team ever, according to the hype. Coming into our game, almost nobody was giving us a chance.

We came out and smacked them in the mouth. I think that the game against Clemson helped our players to believe in themselves and what they were capable of. It provided a slingshot affect that we are still feeling.

From Clemson's perspective, it was just the opposite. I think that they had drank the kool aid, and getting manhandled by us damaged their psyche. Had Clemson opened the season against "The Citadel" instead of us, they might still be undefeated.

Just my .02.
Big_Fan said:
I have a different take on the Clemson game than most of what I read.

Clemson had been touted as being the greatest team ever, according to the hype. Coming into our game, almost nobody was giving us a chance.

We came out and smacked them in the mouth. I think that the game against Clemson helped our players to believe in themselves and what they were capable of. It provided a slingshot affect that we are still feeling.

From Clemson's perspective, it was just the opposite. I think that they had drank the kool aid, and getting manhandled by us damaged their psyche. Had Clemson opened the season against "The Citadel" instead of us, they might still be undefeated.

Just my .02.

Big_Fan, you may not be far off. Driving home today, I was listening to the sports radio talking heads as they discussed the Clemson situation, and I began thinking about this very thing you have mentioned here, and how one game can set the tone for a season or part of one, at least.

I still wonder how Bama would have finished its last three games had it held on to beat LSU last year.

Pardon the pun, but that loss seemed to turn the tide in terms of intensity, momentum, and desire. Of course, now we know there were also other factors involved that Coach Saban seems to have addressed in the off season. Sounds like Clemson could use some character cleansing as well.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I heard Mack Brown say today that nobody remembers who was ranked #1 this time last year. He's right! We control our own destiny. That should make the fans and players very happy.

So, Brown is watching Saban press conferences now as well? :D
Big_Fan said:
I have a different take on the Clemson game than most of what I read.

Clemson had been touted as being the greatest team ever, according to the hype. Coming into our game, almost nobody was giving us a chance.

We came out and smacked them in the mouth. I think that the game against Clemson helped our players to believe in themselves and what they were capable of. It provided a slingshot affect that we are still feeling.

From Clemson's perspective, it was just the opposite. I think that they had drank the kool aid, and getting manhandled by us damaged their psyche. Had Clemson opened the season against "The Citadel" instead of us, they might still be undefeated.

Just my .02.

I tend to agree with that...he lost that team that night. When you hear guys like Spiller talk about Bowden trying to motivate them but they aren't buying into it...says a lot, doesn't it?
ALL that matters is that we have Ole Miss this week and Texas has a game against Mizzo that may be their loss so then we would be number 1.
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