Hello all, just wanted to share this opportunity to join in a little fun for a good cause. I have put together a Super Bowl Squares game in efforts of raising some money for my son's 8U baseball team here in Madison, Georgia. You don't have to watch the game to enjoy, but know you're helping out a bunch of kids playing a sport they love. The money will go directly towards the boys and the costs associated with their uniforms, tournament fees, facility use, and instruction (hitting and pitching). Each square is $10, you can buy as many as you want. There are cash prizes for the winners of each quarter, $100 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd, and $200 for the 4th quarter winner. If you don't know how to play, feel free to ask, but it's VERY simple. The link for the squares is below and if you do end up donating, please send the funds to the information below. Thanks in advance for any support we receive.
MOCO Bulldogs Squares Contest | Super Bowl Pool Site
MOCO Bulldogs Squares Contest | Super Bowl Pool Site