🏈 Somebody PLEASE tell Danielson to Shut Up! (merged)

RollTideRandy said:
You guys must be watching the game from a different perspective from me. I thought Bama wasn't that impressive and didn't play championship football in the firs half. I didn't think he was dogging us, just stating the truth. We had at least five missed opportunities in that first half, otherwise, we would have a much larger lead.

Randy, Danielson was doing this before some of our weak, flat play. He was insinuating this on the second drive. He had to shutup temporarily after the first Coffee sprint, though.

For Shug's sake, he was calling Maze "McCoy;" #4 & #80 is too big of a difference to be making that kind of mistake.

Besides, I thought his spelling bee analogy was totally uncalled for--implying that JPW could handle simple tasks like spelling 4-letter words but had problems with 8-letter words or more complicated play.
Spelling B ???????

Agreed... What the frick was the spelling b analogy? This isnt anything new though.. These two were doing this when Brody team had it's run. New game second half. RTR
LOL, Lyons is a "gamer" for trying to field that punt, but Javy was made out to be the world's biggest idiot by Danielson earlier in the game when he tried to do the same (and was interfered with).
TerryP said:
BamaDelta said:
RollTideRandy said:
You guys must be watching the game from a different perspective from me. I thought Bama wasn't that impressive and didn't play championship football in the firs half. I didn't think he was dogging us, just stating the truth. We had at least five missed opportunities in that first half, otherwise, we would have a much larger lead.

I agree. We are playing as flat as the Tulane game. How does this happen yet again? How do you get the attention of these guys?

Stupid penalties and half the guys not focused. JPW is having it rough today too. I'm scared. :?

This game, versus the Tulane game, are two different games. It's not a lack of effort, but a lack of the mental concentration we are missing.

That said, the holding calls on the offensive line are just technique things...shouldn't be happening with a freshman much less a Jr.

W/O the Upchurch fumble (freak happening there) and the missed PAT you guys would be sitting back relaxing.

Heck, even with those I haven't seen a damn thing out of his UK team that has me worried, in the least.

Coffee fumbled.
Porter said:
LOL, Lyons is a "gamer" for trying to field that punt, but Javy was made out to be the world's biggest idiot by Danielson earlier in the game when he tried to do the same (and was interfered with).

You beat me to it, Porter!!!

How in the heck to you expect me to get this off my chest when you are Javiar Arenas at the keyboard?
He just said he was taken down at the 3....when he was at the freakin 7......i hope they work for free...or they pay to be there :lol:
RollTideRandy said:
What does "dribbling with your left hand" even mean and why did he keep talking about it?

I think he meant Kentucky needed to take our offense out of its comfort zone (running between the tackles) and force JPW to throw the ball more.
reger60 said:
RollTideRandy said:
What does "dribbling with your left hand" even mean and why did he keep talking about it?

I think he meant Kentucky needed to take our offense out of its comfort zone (running between the tackles) and force JPW to throw the ball more.

He was trying to use an analogy that the Kentucky faithful could understand. :wink:

Actually, at first I thought he meant that Kentucky was wanting to force Bama to do things they were uncomfortable with, but then we run off the left side and gain about 5 or 6 yards and GD begins talking about how Kentucky was making Bama dribble with their left hand on a play that had worked. :?

If he had watched any game film this season, he would have known that running behind Andre has been our comfort zone.

Danielson was at his worst today. After enduring his terrible commentary last year, he now has reached his lowest mark yet (a level that I did not know could be humanly possible). I thought I would never say it, but a Todd Blackledge return would be a vast improvement.

Actually TB has improved since moving over to ESPN with Mike Patrick, if anything to keep the Britney Spears comments in check.
call me crazy but I enjoy the commentary by Mike P. and Todd B.

maybe it's just the good memories that get brought back from last years' Arkansas game.

but i don't blame everyone for being unsatisfied. At least until they put Eli on tv for every bama game.
StuckNMS said:
call me crazy but I enjoy the commentary by Mike P. and Todd B.

maybe it's just the good memories that get brought back from last years' Arkansas game.

but i don't blame everyone for being unsatisfied. At least until they put Eli on tv for every bama game.

Todd has done much better since coming over to ESPN, but go back through the archives and take a listen to some of his CBS work. I think over the years, he's grown to like Bama. Early on I think there was some Penn State jealously going on with Todd, even if it was on a subconscious level.

Next patient, please. :D
Just getting to this thread and I agree. Danielson was more than eager to dig at us. He's a douchebag and I hope he never is assigned to antoehr Bama game.
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