So anyone else on here hunt or fish?

I hunt. Mostly just do waterfowl now. I train retrievers part time, so waterfowl gets most of my hunting attention. I bow hunt too, but most places here are landlocked by liberal owners, so it's getting harder and harder to find places to arrow a deer or elk.

Would like to take a trip south and bow hunt deer and a hog.
How did everyone do this past deer season? I was fortunate to fill my buck limit (2 7pts. and a cull 4pt) and take a doe as well. I passed on several young bucks that should be good ones in the future and even missed a couple of good ones. My son took the best one (8pt) of the season at our club during the youth hunt. I'm gonna have to get into turkey hunting! I saw more big gobblers than ever before.
Our rut actually kicked in in Bullock County around the 3rd week of Jan. Saw alot of young bucks pushing does. I hunted cutover most of the season. I read an article that said game biologists could pin point the peak day of the rut. Said to get that day and hunt it plus the 4-5 days in front and behind it. Afterwards, it was over. That damn article was right! I didn't see a single deer the last 3 days of the season!!
I read that idea was proposed over the weekend. My only gripe is that it is for the western side of the state only. Sounds like some big land owners have gone to the board on this one. It gets them more money.
Agreed! Saw that the proposal was to close the season at the start of December for 2 weeks and then extend it 2 weeks on the back end of the season. If you extend it, delay the opening of rifle season til December with the youth hunt and muzzleloader season that 1st weekend and then keep it open til the 9th or 10th of Feb.
Agreed! I can't stand fighting mosquitoes while 25 ft up in the air. I passed on a couple of does that had small fawns with them during bow season. I never even slung an arrow. I have to get my bow re strung. I used my crossbow this past season.
i know i saw a buck chasing a doe across 459 in Hoover February 2, glad to see they may extend season some next year

Only problem there, is it won't help us none. I think it only covers 11 counties in the SW corner of the state. Baldwin, Mobile, Conecuh, Monroe, Clark, to name a few.

Either way I think the state could benefit from shifting the season back 2 weeks altogether. Let bow season start Nov 1. Then allow gun season to run 2 weeks into February. Allow the date to fluctuate to cover the second weekend of February. Another thing I would like to see them do is raise the price of out of state fees.
Saw this one the first day I went, not a whole lot after that. Only one I shot this year.

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