I'm chiming in late I know but there was one comment I wanted to say something on. That was the one about the Miami Dolphins being a far better job than any college job. I have to strongly disagree with that statement. Saying that is assuming that all sports fans and athletes and coaches think alike, which isn't the case. I feel like a lot of that is perpetuated by the media (predominantly those in major metro areas) that consider the pros to be the be all, end all of a coaching career. They perpetuate this partly becuase many of them have lousy college athletics programs so the pro game is in their eyes the ultimate.
I've grown up watching and playing football and I know many other people that feel the same way I do; I would watch a college game every day and twice on Sunday, if given the option, before ever watching an NFL game. The NFL is a watered-down, copy-cat league in my opinion where you can watch one game and essentially watch them all. They're all the same with no variety IMHO. While in college you get the variety of watching a spread option attack or a pro-set or even a wishbone. That's far more exciting to me than watching the same ol same ol on Sundays. The only exciting thing about the NFL in my opinion is when you get a team that has a dynamic offense and is innovative i.e. the Pats, the Colts or the Rams teams from a few years ago. Other than that it's the same old 3 yard run, play-action pass, 1 yard run over and over and over again all day long.
As far as the pros being the pinnecle, I think it depends on the coach's opinion. I would wager that while guys like Saban want to take a stab at the NFL to measure themselves they seem to enjoy the college game with the tradition and atmosphere that goes along with it far more than the pro game. Saban strikes me as one of those coaches that truly enjoys molding young men and preparing them for life beyond college. You can't do that in the NFL.