Sandy Hook Video (Fake or not fake, BS or not BS?) Discussion?

Its funny that nobody has commented yet, those of you who were pro gun control. I posted a similar one to this in the gun thread prior to you posting this and the thread went quite.

So we believe that Manti was a hoax, but this one is too hard to believe?

give this a watch too... the Lone Shooter.

This reeks of conspiracy theory but some of it is kind of strange?


People will believe anything is fake, or real, if they want to believe it. Part of his issue is the school sign on the main road was some kind of scheme to make people think the fire station is the school, which is ridiculous. That same sign was there in a google street view from October 2008. It simply points the way to the school.
Oh good lord, our country would rather believe in something like this than the cold hard truth that we have sick ass people living in this country that do sick ass things... these people are as bad as the 9/11 truthers and the birthers...

First off, the "crisis actors" have been proven false and the people that came up with that run a website that claims that Hitler was an "actor" created by the government, so was Walt Disney. Say that out loud and let it sink in.

That gun they claim was the Bushmaster out of the trunk was a shotgun, only if you're blind would you mistake it for an assault rifle. There wasn't "4 handguns" recovered in the school, there were 3. 2 were handguns, one was a Bushmaster. There was a ton of misinformation at the beginning like there always is when panic happens, kind of like the media incorrectly saying Adam Lanza's brother was the shooter at first. The 4 gun thing was one of the things they later corrected. And the guy in the woods was an off duty police officer, again whoever did the video didn't bother to do much research. Just took some videos from Alex Jones' crazy ass InfoWars, they did the same thing for the Colorado shooting and guess what? They next time we have a mass shooting (and there will be one, there always is in this country unfortuantley) they'll do the same. The only reason there wasn't one for Virginia Tech or Columbine is because social media/youtube either wasnt around (Columbine) or near as big at the time (VT).
Social Media was huge back in 2007, when the VaTech tragedy occurred, there are plenty of these types of "tin foil hat" videos from 9/11.

I'll just say this, was the media incorrect or did something else happen...who knows. I'm way more open to the possibility of something else happening, but I tend to not trust our government/people for obvious I put nothing past them to push their agenda.

A quote from Mark Twain seems fitting, "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."
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