My daughter just left the stadium and said that not only did the barnyard band play ramerjamer (ended it with "go to hell Alabama"), she said everyone chanted "f--- you Saban"! Welcome to our nightmare! Just DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
I heard students saying f*** you Saban, which was followed by other students turning around and telling them to shut up. There were some classless students there, no doubt and for them I apologize. For the most part it is not the entire fan base. I have received my fair share of rudeness from Bama fans and I'm sure you understand just as I do that they do not represent all of Alabama fans, just as these rude Auburn fans don't represent the whole Auburn base.
As far as someone calling you daughter a skank, that is absolutely horrible and I am really sorry for whoever said that.
As far as Rammer Jammer, no problem there. Once again, lets not pretend that just as rude jives are thrown at Auburn.