🏈 Saban and Alabama featured on Forbes Magazine?

"All I can tell you is, when I go home at night, I'm not the most powerful person in my own home," Saban said with a smile. "But really, this is all about the University of Alabama. It's all about the football program here. It's all about the opportunity that we have here, the great tradition we have here and what we try to do to try to restore that tradition. It really isn't about me. We've got a great team of people here.

We've got a great president of the university who has done a fantastic job of improving the quality of education around here -- enrollment, quality of students, making it easier for us to recruit people. He's been very supportive of the athletic program. Coach (Mal) Moore has done a fantastic job in the athletic department. We have a great athletic department. (New hire) Dave Hart is going to add to that. So we have a lot of people around here who contribute to the success of what we're able to accomplish and hopefully continue to build on so we can have even more success in the future."
Stay classy, Tuscaloosa.
CN$ Article in Forbe$ Magazine...

Heads up Bama faithful...

On September 1st, you can read for yourself that Little Napoleon himself has earned the distinction: As the most powerful coach.

Forbes Magazine declares that Nick $aban is the most powerful coach in sports. The upcoming issue feature$ $aban on the cover. the article said no other coach has $aban'$ "combination of money, control and influence."

He will be the first college coach to make the Forbe$ cover since the magazine was started in 1917. This i$$ue come$ out on September 1st.

As you all know Alabama faithul... The article also goes on to say that $aban has had a positive influence on the university's capital campaign and the quality of applicant's for enrollment.

Just though you might be interested.
bamabass23 said:
Is it just me or does the pictures of Saban look a little.....weird?

It does look weird to me... I would have cancelled the proof on that one... In fact, I would have had him wear a tuxedo sitting down in a chair like Don Corleone black background and patting a cat...? Yeah, just like the old Don...
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