| LIFE Rent Your Windows Desktop

This is not going to hit your home PC. This is almost exclusively for businesses. As much as I like Linux (Arch variants at least) I can't see ever putting most of my family on it. They buy peripherals expecting to plug them in and them work right away. Linux won't ever do that like Windows and neither will MacOs.
Subscription model pays more. Like it or not, AWS has changed the way businesses think of IT.

At my current employer we are 100% virtual desktop (200k+ users), thin clients at the desk with our virtual servers running in data centers around the world based on where you reside. We're looking at DaaS for development workloads.
I already have Manjaro and Mint on my laptop.

LOL. Did you even read that. It only relates to Windows 7 AFTER extended support is over. If you want patches after that point you have to pay. previously they did not even allow regular users to get patches after that, only businesses. It will be 11 years old then. You can still use it all you want without paying.
I read it brother. There will be an update from ms to handicap you system to coax you into subscribing. Much like Apple intentionally slows down older phones to encourage you to upgrade.
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I read it brother. There will be an update from ms to handicap you system to coax you into subscribing. Much like Apple intentionally slows down older phones to encourage you to upgrade.

and that, my friends, is what we call "unscrupulous".

they're getting to be as bad as the post office.
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