| FTBL Rashad Johnson arrested...

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autiger36863 said:
we have so many alabama fans on our site I thought I would try out your site
Yea right everytime there is any controversy in barn land you guys button down the hatches and have a suck fest! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kevin4Bama said:
bamanaf said:
Before long the team will be chopping rocks on Fri/Sat nights.

Dude, I first thought you said "chopping blocks." I thought we were implementing the barn's OL techniques.

:lol: That was a tongue-in-cheek comment on what CNS will be doing to players on the weekend nights. No chop blocking allowed. :D
Guys, I'd really like to be a sunshine pumper, but I'm a realist. Coach Sabans disciplinary measures ain't workin'! These players should be scared to death to act like an idiot and embarrass the team, but obviously they are not. If this keeps going on we're going to replace Miami and Florida State as "Thug U".
ericd said:
Guys, I'd really like to be a sunshine pumper, but I'm a realist. Coach Sabans disciplinary measures ain't workin'! These players should be scared to death to act like an idiot and embarrass the team, but obviously they are not. If this keeps going on we're going to replace Miami and Florida State as "Thug U".

With all the young players we have coming in HE/WE should raise the bar. Make an example out of this young man. Sit him out for the season or 6 games, IDK if their is any excuse for being arrested. Also let's remember he's young much like anyone of us in our youth we all screwed up. Remember he's charged with disorderly conduct unlike retard Jeremy Elder who was arrested on two counts of first-degree robbery.

2 wrongs don't make 1 right, but again it's not like it's first-defree robbery which is just absurd!
JMO, I am gonna wait this out and see what happens before I say anything. Everyone screws up from time to time. I am sure all involved will get this straightened out.
ericd said:
Guys, I'd really like to be a sunshine pumper, but I'm a realist. Coach Sabans disciplinary measures ain't workin'! These players should be scared to death to act like an idiot and embarrass the team, but obviously they are not. If this keeps going on we're going to replace Miami and Florida State as "Thug U".

Oh no... Here we go again. :roll:

The ship's sinking! We'd better jump!

dis·ci·pline /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-uh-plin] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -plined, -plin·ing.
1. training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training: A daily stint at the typewriter is excellent discipline for a writer.
3. punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
4. the rigor or training effect of experience, adversity, etc.: the harsh discipline of poverty.
5. behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control: good discipline in an army.
6. a set or system of rules and regulations.
7. Ecclesiastical. the system of government regulating the practice of a church as distinguished from its doctrine.
8. an instrument of punishment, esp. a whip or scourge, used in the practice of self-mortification or as an instrument of chastisement in certain religious communities.
9. a branch of instruction or learning: the disciplines of history and economics.
–verb (used with object)
10. to train by instruction and exercise; drill.
11. to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.
12. to punish or penalize in order to train and control; correct; chastise.
[Origin: 1175–1225; ME < AF < L disciplīna instruction, tuition, equiv. to discipul(us) disciple + -ina -ine2]

Notice the constant use of the word "train". Give Saban some time. :idea: Students shouldn't be scared to death to act like an idiot, but should be taught not to act like one in the first place. Also, give the guy a break. Yes, I understand that Rashaad is a leader and that he should have made a better decision, but he didn't. Let's give Saban an opportunity to "train" the kid and let him learn from his mistakes. It's all about the process. If there's anything Saban is good at doing, it's teaching these kids to do the right thing. So just let him do his job.

Also, talk to Big_Fan about the sunshine pump... :D
Saban is not building the program through fear, I think he wants the players to step up and take responsibility for their actions and each others. Doubt he is gonna try to build a program through fear...nor will Bama become the next FSU or Miami....have any of Sabans programs produced thug after thug? No they have not and do not see it happening here.

We all saw what happens when players do not buy in. Saban can set rules but it is still up to the individual to follow through. This has been a problem with players for several years....DOING THINGS THE RIGHT WAY. Who really knows why Elder did what he did, only he really knows. RJ's mistake was just as stupid.
Bama Bo said:
More info on Rashad

WTF is going on? This is getting ridiculous. How many more guys are going to act stupid in or outside of bars in the wee hours of the morning? I know it's the off-season, and time to blow off a little steam but damn, it seems like these guys would have a little more restraint than to keep doing crap like this. And Rashad is supposed to be a leader.

Pro players Bryant McKinnie and Roscoe Parrish agree... It's all about the 'U'!
ericd said:
Guys, I'd really like to be a sunshine pumper, but I'm a realist. Coach Sabans disciplinary measures ain't workin'! These players should be scared to death to act like an idiot and embarrass the team, but obviously they are not. If this keeps going on we're going to replace Miami and Florida State as "Thug U".

Dude, you can NEVER replace the 'EUUUUW' or Free SHoes University for that title... NO WAY!
The bad thing about the internet is how quickly we convict people in the court of public opinion.

Before you chase Rashaad out of town, and start doubting Saban wait for the rest of the story.

or just jump off the ship now. :roll:
autiger36863 said:
tideboy, give one example of a severe punishment by saban.

I do not intend to bash, but as far as we can tell he has yet to give a severe punishment to any one while he has been at bama

What do you call severe? Kicking a kid off the team and jerking his scholarship seems pretty severe to me.
Okay I have to post on this one. I am in the military and it is supposed to be one of the most disciplined organizations out there and look at the news about the things that happen in the military everyday. I am not saying it is right but it happens and no matter what the punishments are people will do what they are going to do no matter the repercussions. Is CNS tough enough? Who knows but being tough will not always fix the problem. I have the daunting task of training youth of the same age if you have never tried it....give it a spin.....only then can you complain about the results of another person. These guys are kids right out of high school they are going to stumble. They do and will continue to make childish mistakes that we as adults can look at and know was not a smart decision. I may be very wrong on this point but I am thinking that living life is about making mistakes weather the storm they cause and growing from them as a person.
BamaAirForce said:
Okay I have to post on this one. I am in the military and it is supposed to be one of the most disciplined organizations out there and look at the news about the things that happen in the military everyday.

Is the AF really the military? :wink: :D

I kid, I kid...little of that old Army vs AF rivalry stuff.

I agree when I was in the Army we had our fair share of problem children. People forget these players are kids in college. But we do make celebrities out of them in HS due to the recruiting interweb!!!! :shock:
I'd still like our barner friend to explain what he means by "severe." Ask Jeremy Elder if his punishment was "severe" enough. :shock:
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