Quotes That You Like

Every now and then, somewhere, some place, sometime, you are going to have to plant your feet, stand firm and make a point about who you are and what you believe in. When that time comes, you simply have to do it.

Pat Riley-former coach
“God doesn’t take things away to be cruel. He takes things away to make room for other things. He takes things away to lighten us. He takes things away so we can fly.”
- Pat Summitt
“I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.”
Shirley Temple Black
I watched "Roman Holiday" yesterday so naturally ..

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
Audrey Hepburn

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
Audrey Hepburn

"I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it."
Audrey Hepburn
"I recorded a song called, I Fall to Pieces, and I was in a car wreck. Now I'm worried because I have a brand-new record, and it's called Crazy!"
- Patsy Cline

I am a huge Patsy Cline fan .. I have a recording of her first concert after the car wreck, and boy, she has one sharp sense of humor.
"I knew Coach Curry was leaving when he came in the squad room with a blue jacket on and in its lapels were tickets to the Kentucky Derby." Center Roger Shultz talking to the media the night Coach Curry told the team ...
In honor of the Jewish new year .,

"Rosh Hashanah isn’t just about being new, it’s about a change.”
– Max Levis

L'shanah tovah! :-)
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