| FTBL Questions from LSU fan


Verified Member
Alright, so far I have found answers to all of my questions here. So I have a few more(keep in mind my group is only college students):
1. What time should we arrive to campus? I assume tailgating starts early. With the game at 4, what time can we expect things to start kickin?
2. While talking about tailgating, at LSU, for the most part opposing fans are "tigerbaited," and if they are not idiots, we call them over to have some food and beer. Can we expect this type of hospitality at Alabama, or will we simply be mocked if we look for food at a tailgate?
3. We have a couple minors with us. How rampant are the cops about minors drinking?
4. Should we even attempt to bring alcohol into stadium?
5. What are the hot spots after the game? Any cool bars within walking distance of stadium?
6. As some of you might know, a group of LSU students are making and selling the hat the Coach Bryant is famous for wearing, but with a purple and gold twist to it. We are debating buying and wearing these. I am against this idea...will we get hounded and beat up if I lose this debate?
7. Auburn sucks!

Thanks for any help!
LSUstudent said:
3. We have a couple minors with us. How rampant are the cops about minors drinking?
4. Should we even attempt to bring alcohol into stadium?

7. Auburn sucks!

#3 Dont do anything you dont want your parents to find out about. Im sure your Dad would realy love to get outta bed at 2am to come bail you outta jail.

#4 No
I personally feel that anybody wearing that hat with anything other than a crimson and white band around are gonna get the hell beat out of them.And i dont have a problem with it.Dont be stupid.You are gonna bring some people with yall, i promise you it is not gonna be enough to stop these drunk fans from stomping your ass, and man thats just being real with ya!!!I swear i think yall will regret it!!!!JMO
for most of the questions, i'll refer you to the gameday web site. click here.

for question #3: i wouldn't suggest it. campus police do regular ride-throughs on bikes during gameday tailgating on the quad. i don't know about other places, but i do see them riding up and down most streets during that time as well.

for question #4: i also wouldn't suggest this either. with the recent "out-lashing" during the georgia game, campus and city police will both be looking for those getting way too drunk and may remove them from the stadium.
i'm not saying you'll get way too drunk; but better safe than sorry is still a good way to go.
i say save the drinking till after the game.

also, welcome to the site and have a safe trip and a great stay with us at the Capstone.
1. For a 4pm game, i'd wanna be there no later than noon. But we usually grill alot of food and have lots of ppl coming by.
2. I don't know about this one.
3. Keep it in a koozie, nothing will be said.
4. The only place I've ever been checked (patted down) is in the student section. Put it in your boot or something. They do sometimes search women's purses.
5 & 6. The Houndstooth is right on the strip and was voted by SI as the best college bar in the country. Pretty cool place. Gallete's is right there too, never been but have friends that go regularly. Legacy is another bar I've been hearing about, I'm thinking it's right there on the strip w/the other two. If yall win, I wouldn't go to any cause you're gonna have alot of drunk pissed off Bama fans that don't really want you there. If we win, it's safe to go as long as yall aren't idiots. Or wearing one of those hats.
7. Yes they do, have fun.
1. Leaving from Demopolis right? Leave at about 9:30 or 10 if you want to pre-game for a good 3-4 hours. It will take close to 2 hours(hour drive) to make it from Demop and find a spot on campus.

2. You will find most fans that tailgate to be hospitable. Best bet would be to walk around and the ones who don't hassle you are the best.

3. They aren't strick but its better to drink your beer or mix drink in a cup. Having a koozie would also help.

4. Use your typical tapping to the inner thighs or around the belt. Since it will be cold, I suggest putting your mini's or w/e in your socks.

5. Houndstooth, Galletes, The Jupiter, and a couple others. Don't go to any bars if LSU wins though. Unless you meet up with a group of Bama fans or students who could go with you. Still not recommended however.

6. Don't think the hats would be a good idea. It would be highly disrespectful in many fans' eyes. I suggest only wearing it if you and your crew want a beatdown. :wink:

7. Amen
Aight man heres my help.

With a 4 o clock KO Id say tailgating will really get going about 10 or 11 (if gameday is in town move it up a couple of hours obviously)

As far as tailgating heres my advice........walk around and find some folks that look like your crowd make small talk then ask if your crew could "buy" a plate of food. I think youll find the offer to "buy" a plate will be rewarded with sure but keep your money.

Minors just need to keep it in a cup. Dont walk around with cans or bottles on the quad and you will not be hassled.

Expect to be searched entering the stadium but not overly. Your a student I would give you 95% chance of getting your pint in with no prob. (if you are caught I think you are just written a ticket and not actually taken to jail) Ive yet to be caught at Bryant Denny but precautions are taken more so than Tiger Stadium (walked in with a 6 pack in hand there a few years back lol)

Bars within walking distance - my suggestion is the Houndstooth. There are several other bars in the area but this is the one Id go to. (for late night Id suggest the downtown area as opposed to the strip)
Its a newer more frequented bar area than the strip.

As far as the hats they might hurt you in the "tailgating for food" category but shouldnt be a problem elsewhere.


and the others are saying not to go to bars if LSU wins, I disagree just use common sense youll be fine
LSUstudent said:
Alright, so far I have found answers to all of my questions here. So I have a few more(keep in mind my group is only college students):
1. What time should we arrive to campus? I assume tailgating starts early. With the game at 4, what time can we expect things to start kickin?
2. While talking about tailgating, at LSU, for the most part opposing fans are "tigerbaited," and if they are not idiots, we call them over to have some food and beer. Can we expect this type of hospitality at Alabama, or will we simply be mocked if we look for food at a tailgate?
3. We have a couple minors with us. How rampant are the cops about minors drinking?
4. Should we even attempt to bring alcohol into stadium?
5. What are the hot spots after the game? Any cool bars within walking distance of stadium?
6. As some of you might know, a group of LSU students are making and selling the hat the Coach Bryant is famous for wearing, but with a purple and gold twist to it. We are debating buying and wearing these. I am against this idea...will we get hounded and beat up if I lose this debate?
7. Auburn sucks!

Thanks for any help!

1. LSU tailgates harder than Bama, sad but true. Im a drinking man myself so id be out there with a beer in my hand by 11am at least. Probably wont be kicking until noon though.

2. People are cool if you are. Once again this is not LSU though. I have eaten free food from strangers plenty of times though.

3. Put everything in a plastic cup and youll be fine. Just dont act like an idiot and youll be fine.

4. Its not that hard (Ive done it), but I have no idea what the consequences are for being caught. JMO, but I wouldnt advise any minors to do it, because you could end up in tuscaloosa county jail and that would suck. If youre an adult they might just take it or kick you out.

5. Strip is walkable. You can even walk downtown, its probably a little more than 1/2 mile away but doable. Anyone wearing a Bama shirt will know where these places are.

6. Its SEC football man, people are going to do some light hearted (sometimes serious) sh*t talking. Id say wear it if it suits you.

7. Correct.
Alright guys well I appreciate it. I cant help but strongly disagree with most of you about the bar situation. My group is not the kind to start crap or want to throw down with anyone. I look forward to going out in another SEC town just as much as I look forward to the game...so we will take our chances there.
I won the hat debate, we arent wearing them ($25)!!! yeah right
Im lookin forward to the trip. I have been to Arkansas, Auburn, and Georgia and I have not found something that compares to Baton Rouge. Maybe Im a little bias, but I hope Tuscaloosa is impressive.
To answer your number 6 question:

I'm going to see how many of those LSU/houndstooth hats I can grab right off their head come game time at BNS :lol: .

And yes I also agree that alchohol + rabid fans on both sides = good ole southern beat downs. I only have one tip for any LSU fan who dares to wear that sh*t at BNS. Expect what's coming to you if you show that much disrespect to a school. I will not feel sorry for any of them that gets their fruity asses kicked or disappears before the game even starts.
The one thing I'm sure about is, I wouldn't wear the hats! If you guys beat us, it won't be good. Honestly, even if we win, it won't be good. :p

Tigers Bleaux! :wink:
LSUstudent said:
Im lookin forward to the trip. I have been to Arkansas, Auburn, and Georgia and I have not found something that compares to Baton Rouge. Maybe Im a little bias, but I hope Tuscaloosa is impressive.

Throwing aside the crimson colored glasses, and having been to all the above schools (including LSU, it was a great atmosphere), you won't be disappointed.
Lenny is dead on... Houndstooth if you want to hit up the strip, but if you want to go downtown, there is Coppertop, 4th and 23rd, Wilhagen's, etc... They are all in one block.

*edit - You might have some artards try and mess with you about the hats, but ignore them... all the bouncers I know, no matter what fan you are, don't like jokers messing up their bar (they have to clean that junk up!)
I would hope that Bama fans would not stoop to physical violence regarding the hats, although I know they will. That's something I'd expect to see from LSU fans, having lived here as long as I have. What we need to remember is that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." They look at the hats as a slap at Coach Bryant and Alabama. I look at them as their wishing they had a Coach Bryant in their past.
Another bar that I like on the Strip is The Library. It's right next to the stadium and has a outside deck on top of the bar. They have bands on the weekends and it's more of a laid back type atmosphere. I like the Houndstooth, but that place gets super-packed and I'd rather not have to navigate my way through a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd. That's just me though.

I wouldn't worry about people getting upset with you at the bars regardless of the outcome. As long as no one goes in running their mouthes, you should be fine.
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