| FTBL punting

mine said:
ACL11190 said:
Nothing is more frustrating than a 30 yard punt in critical postitions in the game.

Yes there is. A 34 yard punt with a 43 yard return. OUCH!!

A play on which, by the way, our punter made the tackle on. Fitz did okay tonight and he's been decent all season. We've got a lot worse problems than punter on this team.

Crap, I'd like to see what Fitzgerald could do at right tackle. :shock:
bamadezz said:
For what it's worth, we had some nice punts tonight as well. :wink:

while that may be true, PJF's average seems to be about 35 yards which is 10-15 yards shorter than what a punt should be at the University of Alabama. Don't get me wrong, I like PJF and I think he's one of the players who works his tail off to win, but, we should be punting for a 45-55 yard average except when we're trying to down in inside the 10 yard line.

planomateo said:
do we have any good punters coming next year. this seems to be a position we could use some expertise.

Haha! Understatement of the year. :lol: :wink: Yeah, our punting could be improved upon just a little. I'm sure we'll have a number of walkons try out for the position next year.
planomateo said:
do we have any good punters coming next year. this seems to be a position we could use some expertise.

I'm praying for a Tank Williamson type punter. Anyone remember which Alabama Auburn game it was that he punted one nearly 75 yards from the end zone? I feel like it was at Legion Field.

BTW, I've never seen a punter more appropriately named. I think his parents did that on purpose. :lol:
porkchop said:
planomateo said:
do we have any good punters coming next year. this seems to be a position we could use some expertise.

Haha! Understatement of the year. :lol: :wink: Yeah, our punting could be improved upon just a little. I'm sure we'll have a number of walkons try out for the position next year.
Hmmmm. I'm headed to BAMA next year.

*goes out in the yard, begins working on punting*
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