P.S.A: Wear Your Damn Seat Belt

Mr. Pink

It shouldn't have to be said, it is a simple and easy thing to do that could potentially save your life. But, sometimes people forget, or get into the habit of not putting it on and you never know what may happen.

I almost lost my sister this afternoon, and after some surgery, she is going to be fine, just with some scars (and a fucked up headache). Airbags deployed and she was in a big ass steel SUV, yet still was seriously injured because she didn't have the seat belt on and she bounced around the car in a single car accident... nobody else's fault, just a single car accident which may have caused some bruising and a scratch or two.... her injuries could have been avoided, if she would have just done that simple little task of putting the seat belt around her little body.

Rant over, just bugs me, stay safe out there even if you're just heading home from work. Do the simple things that help ensure you see your family at the end of the day.
Sorry to hear that, hope she feels better. We've been wearing seat belts for years, especially after being hit from behind and my wife's ultra car safety wariness she went through a few years back after being hit. My car nags the shit out of me if I don't wear it. Even nags me if a gallon of milk is sitting in the passenger seat.
Thanks guys. She recently moved to Louisville and was in town borrowing one if our aunts cars to move some last minute stuff.... 1999 Lexis SUV, just a hunk of steel. She's been upset about a car, when in reality, hers or any other vehicle and it would have been worse.

But still, it's a wake up call to me because although I usually put it on out of habit, sometimes I forget if I'm running across the street. Just don't do it... it's too easy to forget doing it.

Just hope it's a wake up call to someone else like it was for us before it can be too late.
Glad she's going to be OK, man. Send her our well-wishes.

It's easy for me to neglect the seatbelt because I'm in and out of my car 30 times a day or more. Fiancé has been nagging me about it, and I've gotten back into the habit. Although, its aggravating as hell with my giant self in this little delivery car.

Team Cornwell
Good to hear about her prognosis. Out of curiosity how far was she from being home or how long was the trip. My wife doesn't put hers on sometimes when she is going a mile or two. Still bugs me.
Thanks again guys. She didn't sleep last night but is finally getting some rest this morning.

@Big Balls she was coming from downtown tuscaloosa heading to our grandparents house in Woodland Forrest and wrecked on 20/59 around the McFarland exit, I believe. So maybe halfway on a 6 or 7 mile trip.

I'm guilty of it too; I live about a 5 iron away from where I work and often don't wear it when I I'm just running across the street, but I believe that will change
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