If you really want to get deep I think it's a product of our society and not isolated to an Alabama football game. Without being generational many of us want what we want when we want it or we'll let everyone else know about it. It's that whole instant gratification notion.
Guess what? Life isn't like that and neither is college football unless you're USC or another current dynasty. Then, even they will fall and those people will have to face what we're enduring.
Class isn't a characteristic you're born with. You develop it through life circumstances and how you deal with those circumstances and the people that have been instrumental in those life circumstances.
Many times we lack class at Alabama. I don't like it, but I know that ultimately I can only control myself and you do the same for yourself. I can influence others around me but only if they're ready to put all that other aside. Too much to go any further, but that's why we're having to deal with boos at Bryant-Denny. :wink:
Guess what? Life isn't like that and neither is college football unless you're USC or another current dynasty. Then, even they will fall and those people will have to face what we're enduring.
Class isn't a characteristic you're born with. You develop it through life circumstances and how you deal with those circumstances and the people that have been instrumental in those life circumstances.
Many times we lack class at Alabama. I don't like it, but I know that ultimately I can only control myself and you do the same for yourself. I can influence others around me but only if they're ready to put all that other aside. Too much to go any further, but that's why we're having to deal with boos at Bryant-Denny. :wink: