| FTBL Nice story on Blake Sims


via "Alabama football. Where champions are made" FB page:

Here is a great story on Blake Sims (please share)...

Today riding home from Wal Mart, I happened to be listening to the Paul Finebaum show listening for some reaction from the game last week. There was a caller named Andy (supposedly a lawyer) that called in and he spoke very negatively about Blake Sims and his communication skills. He said that Blake threw interceptions like he always does. The same Blake that had the 3rd highest efficiency in FBS. He went on and on about Blake’s communication skills. I want to comment from personal experience though on the communication skills of Blake Sims. Every week I have the incredible opportunity to be a small part of the process in doing something that any Alabama fan would love to do in helping set up and run the headsets that the coaches use. I mention that because it has allowed me to get to know Blake to an extent, but I am writing as a Dad.

Four years ago, for whatever reason or another Blake and my youngest son Jackson, who was 5 at the time, hit it off as buddies. Blake would speak to Jackson every time he saw him at the team hotel or after a game. For 4 years now, Blake Sims has been my son's favorite player even though for 3 of those years he very rarely played if he played at all. When people would line up to see Eddie Lacey, CJ Mosely, and AJ...Jackson would want to see Blake. Blake would even stop and throw him a football.

To tell you the extent of Blake Sims' communication skills, when my son realized in New Orleans that Alabama was about to lose, he started crying. He was so sad. However, he was not sad for the same reason that most of us were. He was sad because he knows that he won't get to hang out with Blake anymore on Saturdays. In fact, when we got back to the hotel, Jackson waited up until after 1am for Blake to get back to the hotel so he could see Blake one more time. When Blake walked in, he was in tears surrounded by his family in tears. Blake took the loss responsibility entirely upon himself because that is the kind of person he is.

So anyway, Blake walks in to the hallway where he sees Jackson and after having just lost this historical game. Blake walks over to Jackson. Jackson came up and hugged him and said, "You're the best Blake". Blake's reply "Thanks dog". Now I am sure Andy would have an issue with that lingo, but to an 8 year old kid, for the starting QB with the best numbers in the history of the most dominant college football program in history to call him "his dog" means a lot more than anything that Andy will ever say most likely. Two words of communication that will remain with Jackson for the rest of his life. I think I will give Blake an A+ in communication. Jackson and I plan to go to Mobile in a couple of weeks to watch Blake there.

Now some may say that Jackson has a unique opportunity and he does. However, let me add one other thing. Blake has been coming to Alabama basketball games to watch them since he was a Freshman. For 4 years, I guess no one really cared that he came. This year was different though. Blake could not walk around for all the attention which he took with great humility. Blake would stand out in the concourse taking pictures with "children of all ages" as long as they kept coming and really never get to see much of the basketball game. These were not people he knew at all. You can probably find numerous pictures of "Me and Blake Sims at the basketball game" on Facebook and Instagram.

I don't know what the future holds for Blake. Whether he gets to play football or not, I hope after that he considers doing something with kids. He is a great role model on humility, work ethic, teamwork, and yes Andy....even communication. I don't care what you think, but when someone can make an impact on another person with 2 words and in many cases with just an infectious smile that would rival Magic Johnson, they can communicate better than the best orators in the world.

And now you know.....the rest of the story.
when i heard the day after the ohio st game how Blake said he blames himself for the loss and that it was all on him, i just smiled and said, "that's because you're a man who can take all the blame and none of the glory."

it may not have been his fault, but he still took the blame because that's the type of man he is. and when he did well, he always said it was because of the offensive line and his receivers and running backs, not because of him.

he seems to live his life with great humility. which, sadly, is a strange thing to see in a lot of high-profile players.

he will certainly do very well in whatever he decides for his future and i wish him nothing but the best.

ROLL TIDE! Blake. you're truly are one of the best.
If Blake doesn't play on Sundays at any position, he certainly would make a pretty good HS coach. He can touch young lives and mold them with the humility that he shows.
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