NEW FORUM ADDED! Introducing the "Locker Room" - NSFW


Lance and I have been kicking around an idea the last few days about adding this to the site.

Right now, if you happened to see something that is a little off-color—pics, videos, jokes, etc.—we haven't had a place you could post them to share a few laughs. That's why we've built the "Locker Room."

First and foremost, let's get one thing straight.


OK, maybe your boss might like it. But, he might not want it at work, or you may not want your wife, kids, parents,...well, you get the picture, right?

We aren't going to assign a moderator to this particular forum but the ADMIN of the site will keep an eye on it for various reasons.

Here's the deal.

If you want access to the forum, you'll have to PM me or Lance to give you access. Normally one of us will get to it within a few hours if not sooner. You can click on one of the links below to send us a request message.

Lance / Doemasters


Bottom line:

If you contact us and want access, you're entering at your own risk. At the very least you'll find things that are PG-13, more along the lines of PG-17 to R rated. NO XXX is going to be allowed.

If you have any questions I really don't care. If we do get complaints, they'll be categorized under :blah_1_many2:'s just about sharing a few laughs together.

'preciate all you guys participation here!!!
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