šŸˆ New Features! Bamabucks, our pick 'em contest in the Crimson Casino, and a little more...


First of all let's deal with BamaBucks. Take a look at the picture below.


You'll see under my account it shows $2000 in the bank. You'll see the same numbers under your public profile although the total isn't going to be the same today. That'll be corrected and everyone will have the same amount in the near future, but until then set that point aside.

The Bamabucks will be used in the new Crimson Casino like IAMvBookie mentioned last night. You'll start with a certain amount and that'll be our way to keep a general tally on wins and losses as the season progresses. Right now, the amount you have will be based on what you win and what you lose. Bet $100 and lose...you do the math.

I'm sure you've seen a lot of threads in the past that say "who wins these games" and then you have to literally go through and type each team you have winning. I don't like that. I think it's, well, cheap. Sooo...

Over the last month Lance and I have been working on getting a good pick 'em in place for the football season. Believe you me when I say we've discussed a lot of options. I've spoken with guys I know that have spent hours upon hours writing code for pick 'ems but we wanted to do something that naturally integrates with the forum here. Heck, I've seen some great ones that we'd have to pay for, but in the end it was something easier done here "in-house" than it was paying someone for their code.

In a nutshell we have it in place. We went through two trial runs yesterday; one on another forum we have that isn't public and another trial run behind the scenes.

At this point you can't see it, but I'll be "publishing" the Casino in a matter of days...if not sooner. The games for week one are about half done with some of the delay on my partā€”didn't want to spend EVERY minute yesterday working on itā€”and some of it due to finding what the spreads are on game like Buffalo vs Georgia.

In just over a month I'll adjust the settings on the BamaBucksā€”at least I plan toā€”so you can actually "earn" as you participate on the forum. Things like replies, starting new threads, etc., will have different values. In essence, start a thread and you earn a certain amount. Reply to a thread and you still earn, though it's a bit less. Every time you log in...a few more Bucks go into your account. HOWEVER, that'll be the last feature added...IF we decide to go that route. That last thing we want is someone to bet heavily on one game, lose all their Bamabucks, and not be able to play the following week. So, that feature...still in the works.

Just as an idea of what this opens up? It looks like we'll also be able to actually host our own brackets here for tournaments as well. But, that's over seven months away...

Any questions?
so this is a lot like the Bamabucks had had running for awhile before you guys changed things?

when's the betting start? can't wait!
so this is a lot like the Bamabucks had had running for awhile before you guys changed things?

when's the betting start? can't wait!

Yes, and no. It will be like the old system, but not until the end of week one of football.

When does it start? About 10 minutes ago...have at it!
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