| NEWS NCAA will allow teams to sign more than 25 players per class for the next two years

Personally, I think they should do away with initial counters and just say keep it under 85. Let the class be the size it is... no need to cap it in my opinion.
I think with the current transfer rules this is the only way to try to even that playing field. If half the team decides to transfer for some reason (say the coaches all go to anothrr school or the NFL), why should they not be allowed to bring in as many young guys as they need to meet the overall limit?
So, in other words, you can have unlimited classes but you can’t have unlimited classes. Only schools that have had mass exoduses due to poor performance or coaching malfeasance will be able to have an “unlimited” class.
Or high loss rate of JR to NFL... or transfer portal.
With our program and kids leaving in the portal for playing time and JR leaving for the NFL it would/could have "unlimited" class... it's not just for poor performance or coaching.
Or high loss rate of JR to NFL... or transfer portal.
With our program and kids leaving in the portal for playing time and JR leaving for the NFL it would/could have "unlimited" class... it's not just for poor performance or coaching.
Define a "high loss rate of JR to NFL." The best schools only lose a few.
Define a "high loss rate of JR to NFL." The best schools only lose a few.
I don't know... how many do we lose every year.... ??? I think we had 6 leave this last year with eligibility still on the table.
I know technically, you have a 15 player cushion as 25x4 is 100 and you could have more accounting for Redshirts.

My point was that it's not necessarily poor coaching or coaching changes that can cause deficient classes, but rather it can be a combination of a lot of things... be it transfer portal of upper classman that are not getting playing time, Jr. lost to the NFL, or whatever reason.

I just find it pointless to have a initial counter cap. Let a team manage it the way they want. You get 85 scholarships... you want to use them all in a single class, so be it.
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