My wife and I found out we have another Bama fan on the way

Congratulations man, if its a girl are you gonna name her Allie Bama or Crimson Rose or maybe even Sela Ward or if its a boy what about Bear Bama or Joe Namath or Bryant Denny just some suggestions you understand.
Pulled up this thread from last year. We were so excited. Then, heartbroken. We lost the baby, but I realized I never posted it. It was a traumatic time. Well, let's try this again. Due in August. We heard the heartbeat today. Strong and steady. We'll take any and all prayers.
Mom and baby are still fine. We saw another ultrasound today. The gender reveal party is Saturday. Momma is doing fantastic, remarkable really. It appears baby is fine in every way. The due date is in August, so we have a ways to go. We should have a baby in time for fall practice to start.
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