| FOOD Ms. Emily's Hot Honey? Aight...whose got the scoop here?


@Bamabww ? @doemasters @Brandon Van de Graaff

Never seen this, but I did pick up a bottle of Mike's Hot Honey a couple months back at Publix and have enjoyed it. I buy local honey from the farmers market and I've bought from different vendors but don't recall ever having hers. Next time I go I will look for it (haven't been since the Covid stuff started).
Looks like there's about 10 places that sell Mike's around here...picking up some the next grocery trip.

Goes great on a chicken biscuit.
Mixing subjects here a bit, but I tried this yesterday with a Chick-Fil-A biscuit. Great call, B.

Funny thing here...Publix about 3 miles from me in Goose Creek, Publix about six miles from me in Palmetto Pavilion. Goose Creek passed a mask ordinance requiring masks everywhere. North Charleston did not.

I had a trip to Lowe's...choice is Goose Creek or N. Charleston.

Here's the thing. Wearing a mask isn't a big deal to me. Given the choice? I'm driving a little more because I don't want to walk through Lowe's for an hour, pushing plywood and flooring around...

With stores in such proximity, I don't believe the Goose Creek Mayor thought about the amount of business his city was going to lose.
Funny thing here...Publix about 3 miles from me in Goose Creek, Publix about six miles from me in Palmetto Pavilion. Goose Creek passed a mask ordinance requiring masks everywhere. North Charleston did not.

I had a trip to Lowe's...choice is Goose Creek or N. Charleston.

Here's the thing. Wearing a mask isn't a big deal to me. Given the choice? I'm driving a little more because I don't want to walk through Lowe's for an hour, pushing plywood and flooring around...

With stores in such proximity, I don't believe the Goose Creek Mayor thought about the amount of business his city was going to lose.

Yeah, the whole mask thing is irritating. I don't care for it being "mandated" by a city or county. You have to wear one in Tuscaloosa, thankfully, you don't in Northport (as of now and I think it'll stay that way). Now, I have zero problems with businesses who require it. Their property, their rules. I don't think Publix requires it, but I normally wear one when I'm in there anyway because I know it puts the old folks at ease. Honestly though, I'm of the opinion that these folks who are scared to death of it just need to stay at the house. I know people have to get out and get groceries and essentials, but if you're walking around in a bookstore for 30 minutes trying to find the latest Danielle Steel release or standing in line at CoCo's Shake Emporium getting yourself a caramel latte and getting your kids milkshakes before you take them to ball practice, then don't pretend that I need to be masked up 24/7 for your well-being.
Yeah, the whole mask thing is irritating. I don't care for it being "mandated" by a city or county. You have to wear one in Tuscaloosa, thankfully, you don't in Northport (as of now and I think it'll stay that way). Now, I have zero problems with businesses who require it. Their property, their rules. I don't think Publix requires it, but I normally wear one when I'm in there anyway because I know it puts the old folks at ease. Honestly though, I'm of the opinion that these folks who are scared to death of it just need to stay at the house. I know people have to get out and get groceries and essentials, but if you're walking around in a bookstore for 30 minutes trying to find the latest Danielle Steel release or standing in line at CoCo's Shake Emporium getting yourself a caramel latte and getting your kids milkshakes before you take them to ball practice, then don't pretend that I need to be masked up 24/7 for your well-being.

So did you get the latest Danielle Steel book :oops:
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