📽 /🎵 Movies you've watched more than five times. (EDIT: OKAY, top five of the movies you...)

I'm not much of a movie buff, don't watch a lot of tv either. Hate commercials. I doubt there are any movies I've seen 5 times. Maybe Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Many movies , for me, tend to drag on and I get bored easily.

That’s me with movies and documentaries these days. Very picky about what I’ll watch now and even then I rarely finish them, especially the Netflix style documentaries.
That’s me with movies and documentaries these days. Very picky about what I’ll watch now and even then I rarely finish them, especially the Netflix style documentaries.
There are four, one hour shows I thought I'd catch up on today. So, four sets of 44 minutes, right.

I started the first one early this morning. It's now three in the afternoon, and I'm about half way through the third.

It takes me all day to watch a movie. Like right now where I've stopped watching just to post this reply.
I must be one of 3-4 people who’ve never seen any of the Star Wars. Not a hater, just have never seen any of them.
Meh, it is what it is. People have different tastes, nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of movies/TV shoes I've never seen or just don't like that a lot of people are shocked because "everyone likes them". Nope, not everyone.

And some people think I'm weird because I've never seen a single episode of Breaking Bad. I've only every seen the 1st season of Game of Thrones. I've never seen an entire episode of The Sopranos.
Meh, it is what it is. People have different tastes, nothing wrong with that. There are plenty of movies/TV shoes I've never seen or just don't like that a lot of people are shocked because "everyone likes them". Nope, not everyone.

And some people think I'm weird because I've never seen a single episode of Breaking Bad. I've only every seen the 1st season of Game of Thrones. I've never seen an entire episode of The Sopranos.
Well you can count me in on this too!
Cool Hand Luke
Shawshank Redemption
A Few Good Men
The Wizard of Oz
Smokey and the Bandit
The Patriot
Coming to America
The Green Mile
The Fugitive
US Marshalls
Silence of the Lambs
Christmas Story
The Princess Bride
A League of Their Own
My Cousin Vinnie
Good Morning Vietnam
Top Gun
Hunt for Red October
The Breakfast Club
Karate Kid
Days of Thunder
The Firm
Pitch Perfect. (with the wife)
All the Bourne Movies
All the Star Wars Movies
All the Harry Potter Movies
All the Hunger Games movies
All the LOTR movies
And Probably Every damn Bond Movie Ever!!!!!
I'm not sure I can count how many times I've seen some movies. I'll start with those that I'm "conversational" with, meaning I could have a meaningful conversation with someone using nothing but quotes from the movie.

O Brother, Where Art Thou (DVD, my folks watched it with my kids dozens of times) - I had a counterpart that had a similar level of expertise with this, we could speak in movie quotes and no one ever knew what we were saying. Also, the gopher family scene had a special meaning. The old Chinese buffet in the last remaining portion of Lohmann's Village in Hoover had misshapened chicken planks on skewers. They browned a bit around the edges and looked a great deal like the gopher in the movie. A one word, "Gopher?", meant meet me at the Chinese buffet for a discussion.


Cool Hand Luke - An outstanding mentor of mine, quick mind, analytical and devious, at one point he and his partner were ranked number two in the world in bridge. I moved to his duty station and he rattled off a CHL quote, and I responded with the next line. Since the movie was released about the year I was born, he was taken aback, but I held my own. "It seemed like a good round number" when being questioned on a choice, "top flight police work" when stumbling across something, and so on...

Bull Durham - Probably one of my favorites in terms of usable quotes that are just obtuse enough to keep most folks at bay. I have a good friend and coworker who has been sitting with me in a room with befuddled cohorts spouting their list of thorny issues for me to unsort for them - instead of them doing the legwork of bringing solutions to a meeting - only to be met by the entire exchange of "we need to cut the head off a live...a live rooster...not breathing out of the right eyelid and no one knows what to get Millie and Jimmy for their wedding gift". We've walked out with "let's get two", and they know they need to bring more next time. The exchange in Sandy Grimes' bar is outstanding. It encapsulates the collective near misses of our world. "You get one extra flare a week, just one, a gork, a ground ball with eyes, a dying quail, you're in Yankee Stadium." It's the opposite of Fred Smith playing blackjack.

Groundhog Day - Not enough keystrokes time to discuss this one.

Various Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies - When my two oldest boys were in their silly years, I sat through many viewings of Happy Gilmore, Anchor Man, Stepbrothers, Mr. Deeds, Billy Madison and the ilk. I'm mildly conversational in them.

Multiple Viewings. I don't go into these situations looking to watch them. It's just a channel surf, a hesitation, and a dejected sigh from my wife, knowing that I'll be watching the remainder of the movie:

Forrest Gump
The Fugitive
The Shawshank Redemption
Clear and Present Danger
Roadhouse (haven't seen the new one yet, but will)
Independence Day
Die Hard
We Were Soldiers
Apollo 13

There's a whole bunch more...
@Brandon Van de Graaff I've never seen this one.

You'd appreciate this... as far as the movie, I'd guess that as a kid I saw it start to finish, but I don't recall. Now, a couple years ago though... we were at a Christmas party... maybe 25-30 people or so there... hosted by a nice family on Lake Tuscaloosa. At some point after some food and visiting, they were asking everyone to gather in another room. Why, I'm wondering, as I'm watching an NFL game, comfortably from the sofa... They put on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and passed out cards (each person was a character). it was a drinking game. Ex. If you were Rudolph and you said some key word or his nose lit up or something, you had to take a shot or whatever. About 10 minutes into the movie, I excused myself and went back to the other room to watch football. They seemed to have fun though.
You'd appreciate this... as far as the movie, I'd guess that as a kid I saw it start to finish, but I don't recall. Now, a couple years ago though... we were at a Christmas party... maybe 25-30 people or so there... hosted by a nice family on Lake Tuscaloosa. At some point after some food and visiting, they were asking everyone to gather in another room. Why, I'm wondering, as I'm watching an NFL game, comfortably from the sofa... They put on Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and passed out cards (each person was a character). it was a drinking game. Ex. If you were Rudolph and you said some key word or his nose lit up or something, you had to take a shot or whatever. About 10 minutes into the movie, I excused myself and went back to the other room to watch football. They seemed to have fun though.

It came out when I was 10. You Dad work 2nd, your Mom couldn't drive, that is why I watched a lot of TV. I watch TV till Mom wanted to watch! So I watch, Peyton Place. From the beginning till the end .

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