More ineptitude with a little football mixed in


Obviously Cam missed an opportunity to represent himself in a way that he should have. Just to give some of you a different perspective, not trying to make you change your mind on Cam. Just saying there is more to the story, give this a read and watch that video.

I'm a fan of Cam Newton the athlete, have been since he landed at Auburn. Good read on the situation.

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Obviously Cam missed an opportunity to represent himself in a way that he should have. Just to give some of you a different perspective, not trying to make you change your mind on Cam. Just saying there is more to the story, give this a read and watch that video.

I'm a fan of Cam Newton the athlete, have been since he landed at Auburn. Good read on the situation.

I'm sorry I could understand what the guy was asking him? By the way, I was told he didn't want to cry in front of anyone.
Obviously Cam missed an opportunity to represent himself in a way that he should have. Just to give some of you a different perspective, not trying to make you change your mind on Cam. Just saying there is more to the story, give this a read and watch that video.

I'm a fan of Cam Newton the athlete, have been since he landed at Auburn. Good read on the situation.

What a joke. Zero excuse for acting like a big ass baby. That's all that happened here.

Clearly your love of $cam has clouded your ability to evaluate the truth.

$cam runs his big mouth all the time and says if you don't like my celebrations then stop me. His ass got stopped. But instead of acting like a man he acted like a kid. He said no one had ever seen anything like him, well it turns out $cam hadn't ever seen anything like that Broncos D, yet when asked about them he said they're nothing special.

$cam is just a punk ass bitch. If he's the man and he got his ass completely shut down then the Broncos D is other than nothing special; however if that D is nothing special what does that say about your favorite laptop thief?
I'm a fan of Cam Newton the athlete,

Could you very slowly type what I need to be careful of?

I don't see how you missed this.

He's pointing out being a fan of the athlete Cam is, not a fan of a person Cam has become. Instead of him writing slower, maybe you should try reading slower: it's an easier path to comprehension.

I'll add one, for clarity sake: Be careful you don't come across like a dick. You've got the asshole part covered throwing comments like this out here.

I do so love a circular conversation.

To clarify, what do I need to be careful of?

Be careful sounds like a threat.
I don't see how you missed this.

He's pointing out being a fan of the athlete Cam is, not a fan of a person Cam has become. Instead of him writing slower, maybe you should try reading slower: it's an easier path to comprehension.

I'll add one, for clarity sake: Be careful you don't come across like a dick. You've got the asshole part covered throwing comments like this out here.

I didn't miss anything, you did. Go back and read it again. Try and take your time when you do.

He posted an article by a dude who thinks Can can do no wrong. I said he loved $cam. He told me to be careful. I asked be careful of what, he still hasn't answered.

Be careful sounds like a threat to me. Are you threatening me too?

To be clear...I could not care less if the $cam fan base or the planomateo fan base thinks I'm an ass. Could not possibly care less.

And, I don't see how you can separate the athlete from the person, especially when that is all you know or ever will know of the individual. That's like saying I think Gary Ridgway was a great guy if you could just overlook how he acted around the occasional hooker.

It's not logical unless you are a fan of the person who's behavior you are excusing.

There are only two plausible reasons why anyone would try and do this, especially in $cams case; either you are a member of the fan base of his current or former team, or race. That's it.
@Augustus McCrae, maybe you should go back and look at your first post in this thread. It came off as an attack on @planomateo instead of what you said in your last post about being about the writer to the link. We all come on here to talk about anything Alabama sports related and really EVERYTHING ELSE. No need to attack people on here.
He posted an article by a dude who thinks Can can do no wrong. I said he loved $cam. He told me to be careful. I asked be careful of what, he still hasn't answered.
I said be careful making assumptions, perhaps I could have been more clear in my initially reply. You suggested I have strong feelings for Cam, which I don't.

Be careful sounds like a threat to me. Are you threatening me too?
Why take it this direction, especially behind a keyboard.

There are only two plausible reasons why anyone would try and do this, especially in $cams case; either you are a member of the fan base of his current or former team, or race. That's it.
So I'm either an Auburn/Carolina fan or an African American. Nope.
@Augustus McCrae, maybe you should go back and look at your first post in this thread. It came off as an attack on @planomateo instead of what you said in your last post about being about the writer to the link. We all come on here to talk about anything Alabama sports related and really EVERYTHING ELSE. No need to attack people on here.

I miss wollyal so so much.

It wasn't a personal attack, I don't know anyone here so how could it be? It was meant as a strong reply about Cams behavior and anyone who makes excuses for it, or offers a "different perspective" by linking to an article that tells me why I am wrong about Cam Newton. Any reasoning about separating the athlete from the person is just an excuse too. There isn't a logical reason for taking up for Cam by linking to a pro Cam excuse filled article trying to give a different perspective unless you are in agreement with the piece or are making excuses for Cam and his behavior. Not really how it's a stretch to arrive at this conclusion.

and im not making threats, or acting like a bad ass behind a keyboard, but I don't need someone telling me to be careful. Do not need it.
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