| FTBL Maybe I'm reaching..... but.

First off, I like this just in general. But for us, I love it. And you know why. I know some people would have a problem with for the reason that they think Saban would be intruding on the current coaching staff, but I do not think he'd do that whatsoever. In my opinion, he'd be more of a consultant on the gameplan of that week, and go over film with the current coaches. Basically ask for his input. They've already been picking his brain as much as they could. This just allows that to go up a level. But, it's fully up to Saban whether or not he'd want to do this. I think he would/will. Plus it's always a good thing to have him around in some capacity.

What do you guys think?

First off, I like this just in general. But for us, I love it. And you know why. I know some people would have a problem with for the reason that they think Saban would be intruding on the current coaching staff, but I do not think he'd do that whatsoever. In my opinion, he'd be more of a consultant on the gameplan of that week, and go over film with the current coaches. Basically ask for his input. They've already been picking his brain as much as they could. This just allows that to go up a level. But, it's fully up to Saban whether or not he'd want to do this. I think he would/will. Plus it's always a good thing to have him around in some capacity.

What do you guys think?

Some on here will cry at the idea, but having him in that capacity would be a plus. His schedule won't likely have room for weekly involvement, but the title allows him to be there when needed. I think he can provide that support and it be beneficial.
Some on here will cry at the idea, but having him in that capacity would be a plus. His schedule won't likely have room for weekly involvement, but the title allows him to be there when needed. I think he can provide that support and it be beneficial.
Made it sound like he'd be there every week, should've worded better. But yes, it would certainly be helpful to the team for him to do it whenever he could. Getting feedback from the goat is never a bad thing.
Some on here will cry at the idea, but having him in that capacity would be a plus. His schedule won't likely have room for weekly involvement, but the title allows him to be there when needed. I think he can provide that support and it be beneficial.
Something else to is he'd help in the development of the coaching staff, it's no different from developing a player. Wommack getting that knowledge from spending time with Saban would help him be better as a coach, and if he's getting better, then Bama is getting better.
The rule was pretty much a foregone conclusion... it won't have a tremendous impact overall (I don't think)... for Bama or CFB in general. And it's not like schools were not already letting support staff coach on the field either... now it's just legal. For Bama, it just means you'll see a guy like Jay Nunez get to actually coach the special teams officially, which is why he was hired. Chuck Morrell can work with the DB's, John McNulty (who coached several different offensive positions at the NFL level) can be more hands on in a number of ways, etc. It's a good rule IMO, but on the surface, kinda overrated.
The rule was pretty much a foregone conclusion... it won't have a tremendous impact overall (I don't think)... for Bama or CFB in general. And it's not like schools were not already letting support staff coach on the field either... now it's just legal. For Bama, it just means you'll see a guy like Jay Nunez get to actually coach the special teams officially, which is why he was hired. Chuck Morrell can work with the DB's, John McNulty (who coached several different offensive positions at the NFL level) can be more hands on in a number of ways, etc. It's a good rule IMO, but on the surface, kinda overrated.
Yep, but being the Bammer that I am. I immediately thought about Saban. I can't help it.
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Yep, but being the Bammer that I am. I immediately thought about Saban. I can't help it.

Everything good that happens, he will get credit for anyway... so we may as well lean into it and enjoy... the Legend of Saban, The Crimson Puppet Master, is going to take some weird paths and get out of control, courtesy of our rivals... and it's going to be hilarious.
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