Mason Jar Beehive

@planomateo, yes I've seen it but never tried it. I have a friend who is trying this right now but as of last week the bees have not started drawing comb inside the bottles. He placed the jars on a hive 6 weeks ago though just about the end of our late spring honey flow. The bees won't draw comb without a honey flow so that may have been the problem.

A honey flow is when nectar producing plants bloom and the bees gather nectar mixed with a little pollen to produce the honey we all enjoy. They can gather pollen all year practically but the nectar is very seasonal.

Cotton is blooming now so we're in our first of the summer honey flow period. Goldenrod and late summer wildflowers will come next to end the season. Maybe he'll get some results now.

In my area, local comb honey would sell for $10 a pound. A quart jar of comb honey will hold approximately 2.5 lbs of honey / comb.
It looks interesting, but after reading some of the comments on that site, it might not work very well.

When we were driving up in Montana last month, we saw a ton of honey bee boxes. They were all on the edge of fields, there would be probably 20 or so boxes when we saw them. Seemed like were seeing them every 10 miles or so along many of the roads.
@planomateo, yes I've seen it but never tried it. I have a friend who is trying this right now but as of last week the bees have not started drawing comb inside the bottles. He placed the jars on a hive 6 weeks ago though just about the end of our late spring honey flow. The bees won't draw comb without a honey flow so that may have been the problem.

A honey flow is when nectar producing plants bloom and the bees gather nectar mixed with a little pollen to produce the honey we all enjoy. They can gather pollen all year practically but the nectar is very seasonal.

Cotton is blooming now so we're in our first of the summer honey flow period. Goldenrod and late summer wildflowers will come next to end the season. Maybe he'll get some results now.

In my area, local comb honey would sell for $10 a pound. A quart jar of comb honey will hold approximately 2.5 lbs of honey / comb.

Does the honey taste different during different seasons?
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