Manhunt in Boston


In case you somehow have not heard yet, there has been a shootout/standoff in Massachusetts for over 12 hours. A police officer is dead, one Boston Marathon attack suspect is dead, and the other is on the run armed with guns and explosives. The Boston metro area is on lockdown, with all schools closed, offices closed, public transit down, and folks hiding in their homes. It's a scary scene. On the run is a 19-year-old American boy named Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who has roots in a Russian subject called Chechnya. There are apparently undetonated bombs in the area, and there will be at least one controlled detonation soon. No word on if there are known accomplices running around, but judging by the lockdown, they are prepared for it. Some guy with bombs on his chest, an older man, got tackled down while I was watching ABC earlier but apparently he has no connection to the two suspects. No clue what is going on right now!!!

Be safe, everyone. Stay strong America! (the URL is misleading, it's a site with live updates and a time line of the past 12 hours or so)


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I don't get caught up in what our media is suggesting right now, they are just trying to get news out there and alot of it isn't correct. Linking to Chechnya could easily be one of those.

Even more interesting that the two took a guy hostage for his vehicle, but let him go...very strange that they were willing to kill folks at the finish line, but not kill the driver - they supposedly told him they did the bombs.
What we should have are policies that prevent this stuff in the first place .. Take 9/11. Why were people allowed to bring box cutters and knives on planes in the first place? We need to work on preventative measures BEFORE this kind of crap happens .. Sigh.

I just hope whoever is at fault here is brought to justice. I don't care if you are from America or from Australia or from China, or if you are a Muslim or a Christian or a Taoist; if you kill or hurt people to invoke fear and panic, you are a terrorist in my book. This has got to stop.
I don't get caught up in what our media is suggesting right now, they are just trying to get news out there and alot of it isn't correct. Linking to Chechnya could easily be one of those.

Even more interesting that the two took a guy hostage for his vehicle, but let him go...very strange that they were willing to kill folks at the finish line, but not kill the driver - they supposedly told him they did the bombs.

The brother on the loose right now allegedly ran over his own brother (the one who died last night) during the melee yesterday. Dunno if it was an accident or not, but yikes.
I don't agree that we need more policies, policies don't solve the issues, they just give us the legal means in the end to hold someone accountable after the fact.

The patriot act is a HUGE no-no in my book.

You made my case above, first being reported the brother had an explosive on his body that went off, then it was the cops shot him, and then it was his brother accidentally ran over him.

I'm not a big fan of where our government has been going the last 20 years. More control on our personal liberties...we've already given up alot - more than most realize.

I'm still unclear why they would plant bombs to kill people, but let the hostage go this morning.
I don't get caught up in what our media is suggesting right now, they are just trying to get news out there and alot of it isn't correct. Linking to Chechnya could easily be one of those.

Even more interesting that the two took a guy hostage for his vehicle, but let him go...very strange that they were willing to kill folks at the finish line, but not kill the driver - they supposedly told him they did the bombs.

They were morons they told the guy they took hostage that they wouldnt kill him because he wasnt American ignoring that they killed a Chinese nationalist during the bombing and injured several non-Americans in the process. The older brother will is rotting in hell and hopefully the younger one will be joining him soon.
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