| FTBL Les Miles at it again.


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According to this article in The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, Miles was discussing his team's win last year over UA in Tuscaloosa. He had a message for LSU fans.

He pleaded with them "not to make too much of that game, as it seems like a lot of teams in Louisiana beat that team," Miles told the crowd, according to the paper.

Go ahead Headquarters: dig your own grave.
Reminds me of a line by Morgan Freeman's character in the new Batman movie:

"Now, let me understand this. You think that our billionaire owner secretly dresses up in a bat suit, goes around pummelling crooks at night with his bare hands, and YOU want to blackmail him? Good luck".


So, let me understand this Les Miles. You know that our 4 million dollar a year coach :shock: commands a football team with a history of going into LSU's Tiger stadium at night and pummelling them with their bare hands :twisted: , and YOU want to taunt them even before the season begins? Good luck!" :D

THAT one may very well come back to bite him.
Miles is sticking it to us the way Spurrier used to gig the viles. I'm looking forward to our guys responding on the field.

Of course we were two fourth quartwer first downs from being able to run out the clock in that one, and he clearly had the superior team physically. That will tilt back towards us a little more each year.
I think the best thing to do (and I'm sure Saban is a master at doing this) is ignore comments like these and press forward with what you were originally doing. If he really said this then it's nothing more than Miles' quirkiness and lack of public speaking skills.

LSU's talent "gap" between them and the rest of the west is quickly closing. So I guess Miles better get his in while he can. Because he about got his "damn strong team" beat last year in T-Town against a much inferior Bama team. Barring injuries Les won't see as an inferior Bama team and I don't care if we are playing in Baton Rouge.
AFF said:
Reminds me of a line by Morgan Freeman's character in the new Batman movie:

"Now, let me understand this. You think that our billionaire owner secretly dresses up in a bat suit, goes around pummelling crooks at night with his bare hands, and YOU want to blackmail him? Good luck".


So, let me understand this Les Miles. You know that our 4 million dollar a year coach :shock: commands a football team with a history of going into LSU's Tiger stadium at night and pummelling them with their bare hands :twisted: , and YOU want to taunt them even before the season begins? Good luck!" :D

THAT one may very well come back to bite him.

Great analogy!!!
I thought it was funny because he was speaking to LSU fans. All coaches do that. Had he been speaking on College Football Live it would have been inappropriate, but that's what makes football great.

I would hate having a terribly boring coach.
Unquestionably south of Classy. But I question if it was a classy Coach once again playing to an unclassy fan base or a classy fan base humoring a Classless coach during yet another one of his "moments"? Either way it is sad, and I keep looking for someone to inject some sense into scene.

Even with Tubby, I sense that he now reluctantly goes with the finger thing...and that's saying something.
Personally, I see it like this.

If you put the shoe on the other foot and one of our coaches would have made a little joke about another team (assuming our team was in the same position as LSU) I'd imagine a good majority of our fan base would find it funny.

"Don't yall take football seriously down there" is a phrase often repeated and found funny when Coach Bryant made that comment about Auburn.

Bottom line in my point of view, he's saying things the LSU fan base enjoys. Means nothing to me.
Les cracks me up.

But yeah, he beat us last year in a wild one, the year before by 14, and the year before that in OT.

All we have is some new coach that went 7-6 last year.

I wonder why year in and year out he keeps picking out Alabama for his little one liner cheap shots?

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