| FTBL Lack Of Athletes


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On a talent level can you really say we have way better athletes than MSU. We do not have great athletes...people wonder why we cant win big games...Our players are average...If you look at a team like georgia, they have great players at every position and players to back them up that are just as good. When it really comes down to it agree or not....We dont have half the athletes team like georgia, lsu etc have.

Yes our players compete, yes they have heart....but they arent as skilled as they need to be to win on a consistant basis.Just like South Carolina, great coaches not great athletes, they wont be good just like us until they get good players. Call it playcalling or whatever you want, This is the only game all year we lost to a team that had equal talent. I think it will take a few years (atleast) to even catch up with teams like USC.

I know this is such an obvious post, but i dont care, We will not have good seasons until we get the players we need, When it really comes down to it talent and depth means more in sports than anything else, more than coaching, more than anything. What do you think made bryant such a good coach???? Sure he was a good coach but he had skilled players all over the field, he was a great recruiter.

When we finally do get the talent we need to win week to week, You will see a HUGE change in alabama football.
I agree. We're definitely behind the elite of the conference when it comes to talent.

That's not to say I don't have a ton of admiration for these guys. Even though we looked flat today, we've shown a lot of heart throughout the season.

Nobody said the road to where we want to be would be without a few bumps.
In college football now, there is no such thing as a coach that isnt a great recruiter having alot of success. No offense to teams like OleMiss and Vandy but they just wont win games against good opponents on a consistant basis. Its just how college sports work, Great coaches are great recruiters....and we have one of the best recruiters in all of college football :lol:
When do we get our starters back?

:?: :( It's been 4 games now and still no word from the NCAA on the Alabama football / textbook incident. We've lost the last 2 games with the lack of quality OL. I guess the NCAA can't process anything in a prompt manner. With the equality of the teams today, they know by withholding eligibility, the NCAA can directly influence the outcome of our season. Makes me mad and I know there is not a D--- thing that can be done to speed them up. :?:
Re: When do we get our starters back?

mickey65 said:
:?: :( It's been 4 games now and still no word from the NCAA on the Alabama football / textbook incident. We've lost the last 2 games with the lack of quality OL. I guess the NCAA can't process anything in a prompt manner. With the equality of the teams today, they know by withholding eligibility, the NCAA can directly influence the outcome of our season. Makes me mad and I know there is not a D--- thing that can be done to speed them up. :?:
I read in the bham news the other day where they said the suspended players will be back for the game against the cow college.
We have a reason......what's some of the other 3-4 loss SEC teams excuse? Can't be coaching instability. Some have been there a long time. We are addressing our shortfalls with Sabans'recruiting. I think those other teams have bigger issues. Our future looks bright!
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