| FTBL Kirby Smart lying out of his you know what

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Kirby Smart on the SEC teleconference said teams don’t hold back plays or schemes week to week to get an edge against future opponents.

Ha! Kind of like, 'teams don't prep for future opponents when facing lesser teams some weeks...'

But, in fairness to Kirby, not an easy question to navigate (I'm assuming his quote was in response to a question asked?) without tossing some unnecessary disrespect at someone... there's really not a great way to answer that unless you just say, "everything is on the table and you do what you have to do to win," or some such.
Ha! Kind of like, 'teams don't prep for future opponents when facing lesser teams some weeks...'

But, in fairness to Kirby, not an easy question to navigate (I'm assuming his quote was in response to a question asked?) without tossing some unnecessary disrespect at someone... there's really not a great way to answer that unless you just say, "everything is on the table and you do what you have to do to win," or some such.
That's fair... So he pretty much say " We don't have anything on table because we plan week to week." But realistic, they prepare for teams in summer time and have books dedicated to each teams.
That's fair... So he pretty much say " We don't have anything on table because we plan week to week." But realistic, they prepare for teams in summer time and have books dedicated to each teams.

Yeah, I'd imagine he pretty much copies the way Saban does it down to the letter. Basic preliminary gameplans devised in summer and updated/adjusted throughout the season.
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