Kapernick Shakedown/ Roll Tide Laura

Destiny's Child

It's Rolling Baby
Awesome video here talking about Colin's latest attempt to influence the NFL. Also, Laura Ingraham shows her true colors about 2 minutes in. Makes me like her more than ever.

Hilarious Spike Lee is holding the rally but can't be bothered to even to show up. Colin's anti-patriotic action has bitten him in the ass because he isn't good enough to be worth the headache.
first, fuck you spike lee! nobody cares about your whining ass. all you do is whine about how everybody who thinks different than you is racist and if a black person doesn't get their way, then it's because they're black. not because they're not good enough, it's just because they're black.

second, to colin kaepernick. i agree with your right to sit down or kneel down during the playing of the National Anthem. that's your right as an American. but i do not support the act. it just absolutely and completely infuriates me when people go against or speak against this country or the people in it. if this country and the people in it bother you that much, if it really pisses you off that much, then LEAVE! why would you stay somewhere you don't like?! i'll never understand that. you like the freedoms provided by those who fought and died for them, but you won't honor them? well, i have no use for someone like that. as i said, i will respect and agree with the right, but i don't have to agree with the action.

and i'll quote Evelyn Beatrice Hall:

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
Having served in the Army for many years, I support anyone's right to say and believe what they wish. I also believe that I dont have to sit and listen to it. I have not watched nor purchased anything NFL since this crap started. IF the NFL players wish to be political, they should grab some forms and run a political campaign. I vote with my viewership and pocketbook.. When I can tune in to or go to a game and not have to listen to /watch a political statement, I will reconsider... unless I have found a better use of my time. FU NFL Players who are "trying to make a difference" take some of those millions and create change thru investment in "your" communities or by creating better schools. At the end of the day, this is a business and if no one watches or attends... the teams go under and all of these spoiled millionaires have to get a real job. Now let's talk about oppression... working for 50k instead of 50mill.. that my friend is "O" ppression
But this is just my opinion, I could be mistaken
my grandfather used to say "don't let your ass grow bigger than your Escrow" which meant don't be more trouble than your worth in his world. True statement for old Kapernick here. He is a borderline player, who is doing something that offends the majority of the base audience of the NFL. Records show, less people bought jerseys, watched games, went to games or even watched the super bowl last year which a lot of people voiced they would be doing because of the Kapernick type action.

Owners are in it for the money, investment groups by teams to make money. He causes their team and the league to make less money which is why no one wants to sign him. He is back up QB, with a big mouth that directly offends your client base.. this is not a black/ white issue.. it's a green one.

I just loved to see Laura Ingram say that is why she watches college football, throws up the Alabama cell phone case and says this is who I root for... Roll Tide girl!
I almost forget how annoying you are when you're not spewing your cuckservative bullshit.


I'm the cuck, eh?
I still find it sad that people are more outraged at what he did as opposed to why he did it. Spare me the disrespect to the flag Bulls hit. I see active and retired on a daily basis purposely stay in their car or stay inside when reveille and retreat are about to be played.
I still find it sad that people are more outraged at what he did as opposed to why he did it. Spare me the disrespect to the flag Bulls hit. I see active and retired on a daily basis purposely stay in their car or stay inside when reveille and retreat are about to be played.

I will take the bait Chase. There isn't any outrage at what he did that I have heard. What is upsetting to me and some others (the NFL base viewers) is that he is choosing to disrespect a tradition that honors the men and women who have fought and died to give him the right to be free, protest and vote. It is also aggravating that a man who makes millions of dollars a year to be below average at his job would complain about him and his race being oppressed while he is a millionaire and the president who is supposed to fix it was black too. The people you honor by standing for the anthem is not the people who can fix it. Blame the person who let black unemployment, welfare and food stamps sky rocket higher than any president in history... oh wait he is black too.

People who were offended (not outraged and lighting peoples stores on fire) handled it correctly. They stopped buying tickets, jerseys and stopped watching it on TV. They spoke by not supporting it and the owners heard the message clearly. This is the reason the he can't get a job.. not because he is half black. Why pay a below average quarterback millions, to be a distraction for your team and offend the people who would give you the money to pay him?

As far as military men and women who don't get out for reveille or retreat. A) they have at least stood a post for their country. B) Reveille and Retreat aren't in the same realm of importance as our national anthem.
I will take the bait Chase. There isn't any outrage at what he did that I have heard.

As far as military men and women who don't get out for reveille or retreat. A) they have at least stood a post for their country. B) Reveille and Retreat aren't in the same realm of importance as our national anthem.

2 items......i think there is plenty of outrage....at what this loser did.... and rightfully so..

And mayb...the people not getting out for reville or retreat...maybe they CANT...

Any way.....so many pissing on this country....tradition and substance.... and so many just don't understand how Great they have it...black...whites...libs or conservative...
Disgusting to me...

So DC... I think we are in agreement..
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