| FTBL Josh Mooooon strikes again...

I'm sorry, but the compliments are entirely too backhanded. Not to mention the thinly veiled attempts at suggesting improprieties with boosters.

Even though he qualifies his cash going out statement by outright lying and saying that is not what he is suggesting, that is exactly what he is suggesting.

Nick Saban is no mafia boss. Bobby Lowder wouldn't like the competition.
Nick Saban is the Mob boss of the sports world.

And he's running the Alabama football program like an old school Mafia family.
i dont care for josh moon or his aubie journalism, but i didnt see anything wrong with that article... except for the author. :lol:
He is a douche. This arse is from my area and HE IS A DOUCHE. I think, I repeated myself....what they heck....HE IS A DOUCHE BAG.
Actually the overall tone of this article is much more favorable than the crap that Scabs wrote last week. He actually makes 3 legitimate points:

1. Saban is in charge

2. The boosters are enthused

3. At some point in the future booster support will go away if the expected results on the field don't happen.
First of all, you've got to see where this is a bad article towards Alabama. Even if he was just kidding, his suggestions that Alabama boosters are trying to cheat and pay recruits is not what we need especially when we are just coming off probabtion. He states that Saban is:

"dreaming up ways to circumvent the NCAA (the Feds).

You can define that setup however you like, I'm calling it the Crimson Mafia.

The only difference I can see is that the envelopes stuffed with cash go out."

Envelopes with cash going out? What exactly did he mean by that? Josh Moon is a joke.

Secondly, I know that some newspaper sports columnists write these controversial columns to get attention and sell papers but to me it has the complete opposite effect. Whenever I hear someone on Finebaum or hear about an article that is clearly meant to make Bama fans mad, I turn the radio off or I don't buy the newspaper. There's no point in getting mad and sending them an email or calling the radio. That's what they want you to do. Is anyone else like that?
mckinjc said:
First of all, you've got to see where this is a bad article towards Alabama. Even if he was just kidding, his suggestions that Alabama boosters are trying to cheat and pay recruits is not what we need especially when we are just coming off probabtion. He states that Saban is:

"dreaming up ways to circumvent the NCAA (the Feds).

You can define that setup however you like, I'm calling it the Crimson Mafia.

The only difference I can see is that the envelopes stuffed with cash go out."

Envelopes with cash going out? What exactly did he mean by that? Josh Moon is a joke.

Secondly, I know that some newspaper sports columnists write these controversial columns to get attention and sell papers but to me it has the complete opposite effect. Whenever I hear someone on Finebaum or hear about an article that is clearly meant to make Bama fans mad, I turn the radio off or I don't buy the newspaper. There's no point in getting mad and sending them an email or calling the radio. That's what they want you to do. Is anyone else like that?

I bought the first newspaper I've purchased in the '08 year Sunday because it had a Clemson preview in it. Of course, as I suspected, there wasn't anything in it I didn't know already.

I don't click on very many links at all. I saw this one was from Moon, didn't bother. Scab, won't take the time. Occasionally, OCCASIONALLY, I'll read one of their articles. But, when I do, it is because someone has copied and pasted the entire article on a forum.

What a lot of people seem to miss...

These guys are a lot like trolls on the 'net. If you don't feed the trolls, they'll leave.

Ignore these writers and they'll either leave, be forced out, or grudgingly change their tune.
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