| LIFE I just got a Montgomery Wards catalog in the mail. I'm a little shook up.

We have gotten one every once in a while. We also have been getting Finger Hut here the thing both magazines are the same stuff in them.
On my mail route my house number and the next delivery are the same. Different streets. Same number, different street. I get all their mail, they get mine all the time. (I don't get anything but junk.)
Montgomery Ward when I was in the Army at Ft. Benning. A new mall was opening up and one of the end store was MW. First credit card we got was MW. Then I bought my first CB at Service Merchandise. About 1976-77.

Ya know, for a brick and mortar store, that was a weird place. I remember the one in Huntsville...watching orders coming through on the belt was fascinating as a kid.
I was just funnin' with you.

I hated them. You had to stand in line to order it, pay for it, and get it. When they went out of business, treble damages as far as I was concerned.
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