🏈 HURRAY!... More Football * AAFL * - Coming Soon


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Professional football coming to Alabama.. Awesome, another platform to play and beat Tennessee and other high tradition regional teams..

Will you attend the games?????

a$# RTR
uhhh... so if we have one pro team in the state, does that mean we will have to be fans of the same football team as those barners? if thats the case, no i will not watch, support, or encourage this team. :lol:
bamafan said:
uhhh... so if we have one pro team in the state, does that mean we will have to be fans of the same football team as those barners? if thats the case, no i will not watch, support, or encourage this team. :lol:

This should unite UA and AU fans as one big family.. Kidding.. :D

So far the Alabama team has Alabama and Auburn players on it.. Should be interesting..
The Draft is televised on charter today and will be broadcast live online.
reger60 said:

How's that worked out for y'all in the past?

Besides the Stallions, the rest were absolutely a joke. Hope there is more brainwork put into it this go around. How can anyone every compete with the NFL?? Seems impossible to me...
Well, I don't see the point in being negative about it. It's not my investment money. I will go as a fan of the sport and watch some of my favortie past players. If it lasts 2 years then that will be it.
No comparison to the NFL, but what will be the starting salary for a first stringer? Be interesting to see and I also like the format this time of state vs state. The state rivaly format could be the ticket to making this pro league a success. The Star list of players also looks pretty good so far.
I'm going to check out a few games with some friends. It'll be fun to see guys like Freddie Millons and Saleem Rasheed playing. I don't think the league will be a complete flop. It has to be better than Arena football.
Like the thinking here so far.. building the team like an SEC team putting emphasis on the O line and D line. Probably the strongest formula hence the SEC's success. Gonna be a bloodbath in the trenches just need a good qb under center..
Bo.. ESPN has been talking up this league so I would imagine the coverage will start with ones we so dearly love. :roll: Truth be known they probably wont televise the Alabama games.. :lol:
porkchop said:
Alabama HC Mike Jones is getting a lot of props for the draft so far. Alabama is really loading up on the LOS.

Great strategy to build the LOS first. The true beast lineman are few and far between so snap em all up while we can. Qb's are a dime a dozen so we can develop one of those behind our strong line. If you cant protect the qb you cant do crap offensively! I'm om MJ's bandwagon..
Well, the AAFL will get more money from the state of Alabama and Arkansas then the NFL. I'll support the league if its entertaining, it might get boring pretty quick. How will the playoffs even work. Not so sure Alabama will have the best team, but we'll see.
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