| LIFE How Old Your Favorite Band is Turning in 2019

Farewell to my favorite band (Led Zep is a damn close 1B)! The last 10 - 15 years have been awful. Michael Anthony always deserved more than the shit that Eddie and Alex dealt him...But...Damn! The music! The genius!

From their...Terrific twos

The first time that I saw KISS.

Back in the 70s, I collected KISS cards. I named my first hamster Ace...FINALLY got to see them in concert this past year. I was and still am thankful they only played three songs post "Lick It Up," still...It was time to end it. Paul Stanley sounds like an grandmother when he's "...gotta aaaaaassssssssschu a qwischun."
Kiss was never my cup of tea.

On another note, were any of you around the Ham on July 4th, 1976? For a concert at the fair grounds that cost $1.99? Skynyrd, ZZTop, and several other big time bands that I don't remember were there. It lasted around 12 hours. Heck of a show.
A life long friend of mine treated me to a fourth row seat at the BJCC Music hall this past Wed. night for the Joe Bonamassa concert. I do not have pics or video, wish I did.

Mountain Time was one of his many songs he played. This vid is from The Royal Albert Music Hall in 2009.

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